I had it on my calendar to get our (live) tree on December 3rd. Now I'm second guessing because ds and I had such bad allergies last year. If it were just me, I'd definitely choose to suffer and have the live tree. I think I'll leave it up to ds. Last year we had a 12' tree and it was gorgeous!
I was looking for reviews and found this at Tiger Direct. If you don't mind refurb, you can get it for $129.97. Crazy cheap! http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6642429&SRCCODE=CNETFEED&cm_mmc_o=2mHCjC2WHaCjCVqHCjCdwwp
Thanks! I'm in for four. We have an extensive children's library with a lot of Dr Suess but what's a few more!?!? I also ordered The Snowman board book. Perfect for little ones!
What she said except no chicken stock because I'm a vegetarian. I normally use milk in mine. If you want to get fancy, you can add some rosemary and garlic or whatever you like to them. Sometimes I make both and the spiced ones always go first.
I'm on the last few yards of ribbon for a ribbon wreath. It's coming out nicely but took me much longer than the hour or two that others have reported. My poor fingers just don't work like they used to. I was thinking it would be great to make one with assorted green ribbons and put a nice red ribbon on it to simulate a "real" wreath. I think I might also try out the fabric wreaths. The ribbon ranged from 1.97 to 2.97 at WalMart so it cost around $25 to make the wreath. That's a little steep for a homemade project, I think! Any ideas where to get the the ribbon for less?
Can someone please help direct me to the $4 and $3 coupons on the Leapfrog website? I've been poking around for about 15 minutes but no luck... Thanks!
Thanks! We grabbed three at Target tonight. Hubby had said no for ds9 becuase of the whole beer pong conversation but once he saw them, he thought it was cute. He picked out the one with the zombies for himself, lmao.
I messed around with it for about 45 minutes this morning but it wasn't working. I had to leave to go to the doctor and ended up out most of the day. By the time I got settled in tonight, it was too late.