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  1. I found a lot of items from this ad on the sales floor now. Looks like they are putting them out as fast as they get them.
  2. sorry could not get links to post.
  3. Studio Beats today pre black Friday deal Best Buy .com,$159.00,$10 cheaper than Walmart BF doorbuster. save on shipping,with store pick up
  4. 1.About $600 2. Quite a few,probably 30 or more counting shops in Northpoint mall. we make a full day of it. 3.online shop about the same as last year.
  5. 1.Walmart 2. Both 3. 6pm Thanksgiving
  6. its up now
  7. Got this a little while ago in an email, Black Friday sneek peek. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
  8. dukes4440

    Nook Color

    Our ad says it is the 8 gb Tablet when you click on it. The word color makes it confusing. I would expect it to be hot item.
  9. dukes4440

    Thank You

    Thank You!
  10. Here in Ga they are open Thurs at 10pm til Fri 1am and reopening at 6,I wonder how they will pull that one off! http://images.frys.com/art/facebook/newspaperads/111123_bfads/Atlanta/2669053R_THUR_CC_112411.jpg
  11. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2396002,00.asp
  12. Thanks Brad! Got mine too! Magnet on the fridge, cards all passed out!
  13. According to a comment posted by Walmart on their facebook page,They had not planned to release the ad today and apologize for any confusion.
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