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  1. Jason, let me know what you think of the toshiba I got the same one because they lost the one I had on Layaway. Dont really think it was lost but thats what they said...
  2. I had got one and my husband also and put them on layaway
  3. I normally wait toll after they get past the 50 % off mark..when they go to 75 percent I come in with extra carts and load them up!
  4. Well went in to pick up my 2 laptops off layaway today and they gave me one but couldnt find the other one. So what they did was susbstitute the toshiba one that sells for 697. Not sure if I got a good deal or not. The one they gave me was a toshiba satellite a55 series. Seems to have everything the other one did even a bigger screen if i remember right.. My question is do Toshibas do as well as an HP
  5. My walmart had 60 Laptops. Got in line at 1 am ans was number 35th in line. Was able to get 2 of the laptops but think im only keeping one. Had to put them on layaway. Only have till December 15th to get them out of layaway so probably will try and find someone that wants the other one.
  6. My kids are aged 15, 22, 28 and if I didnt wrap there stocking stuffers they would have a fit!!...I guess your never to old Cathy
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