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Everything posted by jndperry
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2014
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
90/70 here in UT. When I left, I think the only wrapping paper left was either shredded rolls or Justin Bieber. There were still some lights left for 49 cents, I got all excited thinking they were LED, but my husband burst my bubble when I got home. Lots of the boxed ornament sets left, and a whole aisle of M&Ms and kisses at 70% off, which made them about $1 a bag. I bought a bunch and will sort them into red and silver for Valentine's Day, and then green and silver for March/St. Patrick's Day. On a separate note, I just want to say thanks to the east coast people who post first thing. I've had sick kids home the past two days, and it was so nice to be able to check on here and see that it hadn't gone 90% yet, it is much appreciated! -
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2013
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
Grrrr! I saw someone say their store was 90% so I got my butt out of bed and went, only to find that it was still 70% here. That means it will go 90% tomorrow, which is a Sunday, when half of Utah's population doesn't shop. Saturday is by far their busiest day, why couldn't they just have marked it down today? -
Dolls Sold Out, Still Have Markdown Items @ American Girl
jndperry replied to revecca's topic in Online Hot Deals
It seems like they need a better way to do the steals and deals. The dolls were all sold out by the time the segment aired on the west coast. I was lucky enough to have a sister who knew it was going to happen, so I knew to get online and try RIGHT when I woke up! Now I just have to convince my husband that 2 more dolls and a bed is good news! -
Yesterday we were searching for new Skylanders figures and stopped by our Walmart. No figures, but on a trip through toys, I found that all of the Ninjago Legos were wiped out except the starter sets with two tops, and they were half off, which made them just under $7. I grabbed a couple of those, and then I went home to check their website to see if I could score more Ninjago. Most were out of stock online, which made me think they had been a deal, so on our way to Salt Lake last night, we stopped at another store. They also had the Ninjago starter sets for about $7, but nothing else was marked clearance, so we started scanning sets. We found Ninjago Nuckal's ATV for $12.50, Ninjago Skull Truck for $30, Atlantis Sea Raider for $15, Cars 2 Ultimate Build Lightning McQueen for $15, Cars 2 Spy Jet Escape for $25, and the Pharaoh's Quest Sphinx for $25. All of these prices were half off, but none of them were marked as on sale or clearance at all. In addition, I didn't see any Lego City or Kingdoms sets left, which I know they had before Christmas, so it made me wonder if they had gone 50% as well, and just cleared out faster. I tried scanning some Star Wars, Pirates of the Carribbean, and other sets, but they weren't discounted at all (including the Cars 2 Ultimate Build Mater, which is funny, since Lightning McQueen was). So anyway, if you get a chance to stop by your Walmart, run into toys and start scanning sets, even if they don't look like they are marked down. I called both of my sisters and my mom, and all of the Lego fans in the family are set for the next year!
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2011
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
Just got back from checking two stores near me, and couldn't find any of the deals everyone else has been finding. No chips, no fruit roll ups, no tissues, and every single Lego set from the checkstand area was GONE!!! Was really disappointed, because that's what I mainly went for. They also didn't even have the Toy Story Operation, or even an empty place on the shelf for them. I am bummed about missing the Legos, but I'm pretty sure my husband was elated when I came home having spent more on gas than in the store! -
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2011
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
I am so jealous of everyone's hauls! Almost everything I really wanted didn't get marked down this morning. Legos were still only 50% (and only the plane and one Toy Story set left), the Beyblade set my son had seen and wanted was still $17.48, and the Our Generation wardrobe was still $38! Seriously, they must have based decision on what to mark down solely on my kids' interests. Even before this morning, there was not a single Our Generation doll to be found in the store, nor was there any Littlest Pet Shop sets I have seen in other posts. We had some of the shelf-clearing professional shoppers at our store, and both of my sisters at stores in Salt Lake said they were there too. In all of our cases, it was a group of three men who just went through and grabbed all they could find of certain items. At my store, the employees went out of their way to help them and got them flatbed carts, etc. Supposedly it is some small toy store owner that hires college guys to hit the stores when Target goes 75%. I did get a few things, but most of my stuff was stuff that was only 30 or 50% off, but the last one or two there, so I didn't want to leave it. All in all, I left a bit frustrated and hit Kmart on my way home instead of going to another Target. Kmart had some Ninjago guys for $3.50 instead of $9.99, a Hero Factory set that I just paid $20 for at Toys R Us for only $5. Not only that, but Kmart was deserted and felt like a real treat after the zoo at Target and competing with the pro shoppers. -
Did you go as far as checking out? Usually, it won't reflect the discounted total in your cart, but when you begin the checkout process, it will show the discount there.
4 DS Games @ TRU for $40 including shipping! Today's Cyber Sale
jndperry replied to venies's topic in Online Hot Deals
I saw this yesterday, and I was sad I missed the deal. So glad I checked this thread again today, because I just got the 3 Lego games plus a set with Hello Kitty game, case, and stylus for $42 shipped! -
Cuponk 10 pack of balls - $1 w/ free shipping @ Hasbro.com
jndperry replied to juanadeal's topic in Online Hot Deals
Shoot! I need to read before I submit...I ordered 8 of the ball sets to go with the $2 Cuponk games I got at Target, and then I got a Lite Brite, refill pegs, and My Little Pony papers, but I didn't read about the 10% off code before I submitted. I guess I will live, since it's only $3, but still.....grrr! -
I ordered Kirby's Epic Yarn first, then Just Dance 2 and Epic Mickey on a second order. I got shipping notices for all three games, so I guess I will be getting them. The remotes and nunchuks would be nice to have, but if they cancel the remotes, I would live, especially if they refund $20 from each bundle!
We had registered, but we nearly forgot to go out and do the shopping! It was hard to find an open non-chain store at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday night, but we finally found a little toy and hobby store, and let the kids shop for Christmas gifts for their cousins. It's probably good I didn't forget entirely; my brother is the American Express rep responsible for making this happen in Salt Lake, so if nothing else, I wanted to go out and do it to support him!
By the time we got through ads, figured out where we were going, and made a plan of attack, it was 9:30 and we decided to head to Toys R Us first. We got there at about 10:10, only to find the line out the door, across the front of the store, across a large parking lot, along the front of a Michael's, and the along the front and wrapped around the side of an Office Depot. They were controlling how many people could go in at once, and we decided there was NOTHING we needed that was worth waiting in that line for 2+ hours in 11 degree temps. Instead, we headed to Walmart and got there at about 10:30. Most fo the 12:01 items were still wrapped in the aisles, but we learned that most of the clothing items were open and being shopped in the garden center. The clothes were already starting to get picked over, but we found what we could, and then we headed to electronics to locate the DS games my sis wanted to try to get. People were peeking into the pallets to find what they wanted, and then camping out in the aisle next to the pallets. It took us about 20 minutes to make it from the garden center to electronis, where we found the place everyone said was the DS games. We stood there for about 35 minutes, and then at about 11:57, you could hear a ripple starting in toys and coming our way, of people tearing into the plastic. It was then that all all HE!! broke loose! I was standing not 5 feet from the pallet, and by the time I made it to where I could reach it, EVERY SINGLE GAME was GONE! People were scooping entire armfuls into their carts without even looking at what they were. Other people were grabbing armfuls of games, and then throwing any they didn't want over their heads into the crowd. The same thing was happening with the DVDs, which was the next pallet over, and then people were stepping all over the DVDs all over the floor. When a cardboard display was empty, people would lift them up and throw them into the crowd behind to get closer to the next display. Between my sister and I, we ended up with 4 games, 3 of which were caught when people just threw them back because they didn't want them. All were really lousy titles, so we didn't end up buying any DS games after waiting so long to get them. ALL of the DVDs and DS games were gone within a minute of the plastic being ripped off! And all of this happened with a uniformed security guard standing right there just smiling and laughing at the madness. We got into a line and then (since we had plenty of time to wait), my other sister and I went in search of donuts. We found all the 5:00 sale items unwrapeed and on pallets by groceries, but they were saying the prices would not ring up until 5. We both grabbed an iPod dock and she got a hard drive, and then we decided to find a "relocation" spot for them to wait until later in the day, because after the feeding frenzy at midnight, there was NO WAY I was going to be there right at 5:00! We headed back to Toys R Us, thinking the madness would be pretty much done since it was almost 1:30 by the time we got there. NOPE! The line was still about 150 feet out the door, so we went to Walgreens instead. We got tape, Webkinz, and everything else we wanted there, walked straight to an open checkstand, and decided it was out biggest success of the night. Next we went to Kohl's. We were probably 300-400 people back in line, with 35 minutes left until it opened. As it got close to openening time and people edged in to try and jump the line, Kohl's actually brought their employees out, and they stood hand in hand to rope off the line so nobody could jump in, which earned a HUGE cheer from the crowd! My mom was supposed to go to straight to the line, and I went for a Dyson (the 3 they had were already gone), the digital banks, and pajama bottms for boys. After getting the PJs, the line on that side was fairly short, but I didn't get in, because I thought my mom must already be in line on the other side. I went to the other side of the store, where the line was already horrendous, only to have them call and say they were now in line back over by boys. We ended up waiting in line over an hour, and I wish I hadn't trusted my mom, but had gotten in line when I had that first chance. By the time we finished at Kohl's, Target was already open, so we headed and my sister dropped me while she waited for a parking spot. I ran in and got one of the last three fire pits for my sis (ironically to give to my family for Christmas), one of the last 4 Disney princess doll sets for my mom, and a Barbie cruise ship for my mom. My hands were full, so I went ahead and got into line, since it was all the way to the front of toys. We picked the wrong line, because it was until about an hour later that we figured out that another line had crossed through ours, so they'd cut that one off and were feeding both lines into ours. We did have plenty of time to shop for other stuff at least, but all the DS games my sister wanted were gone again. I thought every line but ours was moving faster even after the merge, so I headed to the end of another line, and I ended up finishing about 10 minutes ahead of my mom and siblings. Mom treated everyone to breakfast at McDonald's, and then stopped at Walmart for our stashed items, only to find them gone. They still had the items, (although we had to fight someone in electronics to help us with the hard drive), but it made me wonder if they used security cameras to watch for people stashing 5:00 items. With the state of the rest of the store, I just find it hard to believe the hiding place would have been randomly straightened and discovered. After that, we headed home, and of course, my kids were up and had just started decorating the Christmas tree on their own, so I stayed up long enough to give them parental guidance for the task. After naps and getting my family shipped back home, my older two wanted to go Black Friday shopping, so I headed back out to Walgreen's, TRU, and Target. My oldest wanted to go to Walmart, but I told him I would rather not after witnessing the midnight fiasco there. All in all, I did all right with getting what I wanted or needed. The one thing I can say for sure is that if Walmart chooses to do the same thing next year as this year, other stores will be getting my money! If my brother posts his video of the chaos at Walmart (throwing the display box out of the way over their heads) I'll post a link later.
This is great to know! I just found out my nephew is IN LOVE with the new Lego Harry Potter, but his dad is out of work, so we're gonna make it happen for him. :)
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2010
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
Wow, I feel lucky! Layton, UT was marked down to 75% today. Dropped kids at school early and I was there just a few minutes after they opened. It actually wasn't terribly crowded, although there was only an aisle and a half left, so it was kinda slim pickings. I spent $115, and that included one of the little elephant toys for $10 for a neighbor. It also included about 15 packages of meat that will expire in a couple of days, which had been marked down on the price per pound and then also had $ off coupons. I got cuts of meat that started at $8 per pound for under $2 a pound. I'll save a couple out for tonight and tomorrow, and then the rest will go in the freezer in the storage room. I was so successful there, I thought I'd hit the Riverdale Target, and they weren't 75% yet. I did find a few items that I "relocated" to go back for if it seems the rest of the stores go 75% tomorrow, and I found a few items for 75% off in kids' clothes. -
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2010
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
Thanks for the pictures! I went today and had scanned four different Christmas sets which all rang up 30% off, and the I saw the red ones with the dogs. I knew I recognized them from your post, so I scanned them and the came up salvaged. The cashier had to ask a manager about selling them to me, and the manager had to get a calculator to figure out what 90% off would be, but I got them! They still had 6-7 more sets there, but they were all 2T or smaller, which is too small for my kids. No tape or Oreos, and I only got one Imaginext toy for 75% off (can you tell I had my husband with me?). -
We are going on Monday for the free breakfast and for one of those Malm chests to replace the ghetto one my son currently uses. I hope the drawers are somewhat deep, I get so tired of stacking three pairs of his pants and then having the drawer be full. We will have to take all four kids since our older two will be off school, but my husband will have the day off too, since he's a federal employee. Now I just hope they have room for my kids in their playland!
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2009
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
If you're talking about the ones that were $29 on BF, they still have them in the stores around here, so you might go check your Walmart when you get the chance. We got those for my kids on BF, and the other day I saw the boys' version in their store for only $17. Even if the girls' version isn't down to $17, it has been $29 every time I've seen it since BF. Hope this helps! -
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2009
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
Just got back from the Layton Target, and toys are still 30% off there, but at least they are finally doing the additional 30% off clearance apparel. Got a new robe for my son for $3.32, several camis for me for $2.79 each, and lots of High School Musical wear for my daughter for about $3-4 an item. They also had men's hoodies for about $4 (which I LOVE this time of year), but I am trying to be good and not add MORE hoodies to my collection. My husband says he might be able to take a couple hours off in the morning, so he can get the kids to school, and I can be at Target when it opens WITHOUT KIDS! Now, 75% better happen tomorrow! -
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2009
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
I got up this morning and got all four kids ready in time to drop two at school and then head to Target (a major feat for us to all be up, fed and dressed by that time). Of course, they were still at 75% when I got there...GRRRRR! By the way, this was the Layton, UT store. I did get a couple of toddler girls' turtlenecks, but mostly my trip was a bust. Now I have to decide how motivated I am. Can I repeat the miracle and get all four kids ready AGAIN tomorrow? -
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2009
jndperry replied to Brad's topic in Offline Hot Deals
We don't shop on Sundays, so I am actually glad to hear that most stores are still 75% off. I will drop the kids at school in the morning, and then hit mine at 8:45 or so, and hope for the best. I found some of the LPS advent calendars at our Walmart on Friday, but they were still ringing up full price (of course). -
Spongebob 1 Gallon Crane Humidifier - $9.99 ($25.99) @ Drugstore.com
jndperry replied to noehlp's topic in Online Hot Deals
Thanks! Both of my sons tend to get croupy coughs in the winter, so I am hoping this will help in their room. I thought I was too late, but it is in my cart for $9.99! -
I may have to check out that Charlie Brown tree, either at Walgreen's or Target. growing up, my dad always managed to get the most forlorn-looking trees, and we always joked that he was related to Charlie Brown. It would be perfect for his corner of the room, on the table next to his recliner.
Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2008
jndperry replied to Gator Pam's topic in Offline Hot Deals
I found the same thing when I was looking for duffels before our Disney trip in June. I was carefully taking them out and unfolding them, to see if they'd be big enough to pack my kids' stuff. I found one of the XL duffels squashed into the band for the smallest size duffel, and vice versa. I just took them both to an associate I saw walking by, and I told him what I thought had happened. I wouldn't feel right if I knew it was in the wrong package and took it anyway. On a totally different note...has anyone seen any fire pits on clearance? They are still full price at my store! -
AMC theaters Summer Family Movie Tickets for $1
jndperry replied to jerseygurl's topic in Online Hot Deals
I know at least here, LOTS of people take babies, toddlers, etc. to these movies. When I have been, it has always been a very laid-back, tolerant environment, with the audience comprised mostly of moms with several kids in tow. Hope this helps!