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Posts posted by pebbles

  1. Mine gave out different colored vouchers (neon green for laptop, neon pink for free emachine and HP, etc...) and on the very bottom it had written in that it was #4 of 13 or whatever.


    They tried to give them out to the first people in line, but had a hard time since people started coming up from the end of the line and trying to cut in. I'm pretty sure most of the people I camped out with all night got what they wanted though.

    Same thing happened in Columbus OH. We had a list on the door of the first 15 people that showed up...so no one would get confused at the end of the night and no disputes. (and we had one drunk guy to keep "in line") But when the Circuit City people came out with vouchers, everyone from behind swarmed in and tried to get them. A kid from the front of the line took over and the management stepped aside and he called out names of those who were supposed to get laptop vouchers. And..they only had 12 vouchers!! When they were supposed to have 15. So that caused an uproar until the manager said he would make more copies and get them laptops somehow. Then the AOL sign up wasn't working for some people and they had to pay the $450 for the laptop and try to get the AOL savings the next day or something like that. It all worked for us though. We got 3 laptops, 2 routers, 2 printers. :woot2:

  2. This is going to be my first Black Friday adventure, and I'm planning on camping out at Circuit City. I was just curious...do some people get in line, and then say 2 hours before opening..all of their friends/family show up and they allow them to get in line with them? And what do you do if someone in front of you did that?
  3. Don't be scared - just bring along Bam-Bam!! :crash::lmao: I'm sorry! That was bad. :idea: Since you're flying the Block "O", maybe you could bring along AJ Hawk :2football and get whatever you want!! :holiday16 Go Bucks!! :zim

    The "current" Bam-Bam in my life may have to work BF. Hmm...maybe I could find a new Bam-Bam in line :sleazy:


    ...:7beer: Go Bucks!

  4. A tradition I had as a kid, and do with my kids still today is that they are allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve. And always (without fail) that gift is a new set of pajamas that they get to wear on Christmas Eve. My girls are 19 and 14 now and they still love getting cool new jammies each Christmas Eve. I even have gotten them for my oldest daughter's boyfriend.
  5. I am working with Evacuees and other needy individuals in the Dallas Texas area IF you know of any free gifts, samples, toys, etc... please email me I need tooys for 125 chidren who are evacuees and a few others who are needy. I accept any used clothing and any thing that you would like to donate. If you have samples of items please ship to me I will take everything. Deborah Cook Family Life Ministries 7410 Gillon Drive Rowlett TX 75089 972 463 6954

    Have you ever heard of www.freecycle.org ? Everything on there is free, and you can post things that you want to.

  6. We do this and the women buy a woman present and the men buy a man present. Any ideas on any gift ideas I am having trouble thinking of something. Oh, we also do the stealing someones gift to exchange so I want to get something that will make it fun. I tried towels last year but that was not an idea that went over to well. but, everybody always has a good time. Just would like to add some excitement by having a cool gift. thx

    OUr family always likes the cool boxers (male or female) and lottery tickets are always fun.

  7. I never really thought of it that way. But it makes alot of sense. I know I would probably be one of those people who would not want to leave empty handed! I would probably go with the next best deal.


    But still either way you look at it, all these companys are marking their money back one way or another on BF.



    Just had to make a post following yours to wave the Buckeye Flag!! ;)


    Go Bucks!!

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