Same thing happened in Columbus OH. We had a list on the door of the first 15 people that showed no one would get confused at the end of the night and no disputes. (and we had one drunk guy to keep "in line") But when the Circuit City people came out with vouchers, everyone from behind swarmed in and tried to get them. A kid from the front of the line took over and the management stepped aside and he called out names of those who were supposed to get laptop vouchers. And..they only had 12 vouchers!! When they were supposed to have 15. So that caused an uproar until the manager said he would make more copies and get them laptops somehow. Then the AOL sign up wasn't working for some people and they had to pay the $450 for the laptop and try to get the AOL savings the next day or something like that. It all worked for us though. We got 3 laptops, 2 routers, 2 printers.