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shopping mom

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  1. If you have any baby showers coming up you could buy for those. Books, puzzzles and board games that you can pull out for a surprise now and then are nice to have. Do you have gift set aside for parties they may go too? Have fun spending the money!!
  2. Most of mine are grown but they are still kids at heart. DD5 loved the Barbie sized dollhouse, leapster, and her Cinderella Barbie, but I think she has played the most with the tinkertoys. She got a lot of new clothes, DH just called and said she dressed herself in the new clothes and did her own hair, no telling what she looks like!!
  3. We use the jiffy cake mixes and the the betty crocker puches for muffins and brownies, it makes more and cost less. DD5 loves to make the brownies and give them as gifts.
  4. I ordered something for my DS and had it shipped right to him and it only took a few days. I have never had any problems with their shipping.
  5. Starbucks gift set Nice pen set
  6. I think I am done, there are two more gifts I am considering but only because I would like to do these extras not because more gifts are needed.
  7. Charlotte is the dolls name I think
  8. A Christmas Story The Santa Clause
  9. Home Alone The Grinch The Santa Clause Jingle all the Way
  10. I was going to suggest Kohls. (Last week they had it on sale the extra off and the $10 back in Kohls bucks for every 50 you spend. If you count the kohls bucks off the price it made them about $130 if I am remembering correctly). Right now there is one online for $199. I think there is a coupon for 20% off if you spend $200 good through tomorrow. ( add a small price item) and if you want to order it online there is a free shipping code in the Kohls thread. Hope you find one!!
  11. Teenager: Teen magazine, perfume, purse, inexpensive mp3 player, pjs, robe, slippers, manicure set with polishes, lip gloss, hoodie, scrapbooking kit (michaels has some inexpensive ones. I got one for $7.50 today) school supplies, calander sp?? address/phone book, stationary and stamps, socks, hair accessories, or a filled toiletry bag. Dad: Hoodie, socks, toiletry bag fill with stuff, magazine, watch, flashlight, travel mug, pen set, lounge pants and t shirt, or an umbrella
  12. My kids are all grown except for my DD5 but we have never had Santa bring gifts. We have a lot of reasons for our decision. We simply told them that they got gifts simply because we loved them. They were never told to lie when others asked them but I can not think of one instance were they were asked. Everyone has a special way of celebrating during this time of year and I think it is wonderful to hear how many here share the joy of giving with your children.
  13. Board games or puzzles will fit most people in this age group. You could also do movie tickets in one of those pop corn holders (dollar spot from Target) along with some movie box candy.
  14. ok I called them and she thinks my order is shipped. I am suppose to wait a few days to see if it is delivered and call back if there is a problem. Thanks for the phone #
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