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Posts posted by Tropicana

  1. Hey, anyone have any thoughts on the 32" RCA TV from Circuit City on BF, the one that's $199? DH and I were wanting to get a new 27" or 32" TV but wasn't planning on getting one on BF. But now, after seeing that we are thinking about getting it.


    Also, I'm going with a group of people so if I bought it that morning I would have to come back later that day with DH and pick it up. Does anyone know if they will let me do this? I am gonna call the store eventually, I just gotta find the time. Just wandering if anyone had done this before though.


    Hi i just bought that exact TV today. i am not risking it being sold out the morning of. i haven't opened it yet. the way my circuit City works, for you to load it in your car, you show them the receipt and they pick it up from the back. I had too many groceries in my back seat so I had to go home and come back about an hour later to pick it up. It was all good, though.


    Circuit City has the TV on its website with specs and stuff and the consumer ratings were all bery positive.

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