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  1. Rats! It was popping up regularly in Nov, and I ignored it thinking it'll be there a few weeks later. Now I've waited too long. Should have known they would stop offering for the holidays since that's when ppl do a lot of online shopping anyway.
  2. Anyone know where I can get a link to this? It was popping up regularly for me but now that I need it it's nowhere to be found. Did they stop trials for the xmas season?? Plz help!
  3. Try this: http://promotions.amazon.com/gp/holiday/amazon-customers-vote
  4. Did they match the lcdplasmas.com price without any extra charges like delivery,etc.? That would be great! I thought they only PM local B&M stores? Enter your receipt info here and it should tell you if you qualify for any rebates: https://www.web-rebates.com/sears/
  5. Can you tell us what you ended up paying? Was Sears PMing online prices w/ shipping? I think you might be able to claim the 10% cash back for using the Sears card.
  6. Anyone know what the normal price is for the Sharp AQ 1080p (with $300 coupon)? It's no longer showing at the website.
  7. A bit on a tangent, one guy told me these HDTV needto have powerful surge protectors (rather than the standard ones), one rated with at least 3000 Joules (whatever that means). I have no clue but the strip he showed me was $99. Anyone know if that's true? Any good deals?
  8. Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to ck those out. The Aetna offer seems to be working for me even tho I'm not a member. I want to see if I can find the original Advance models since I still have a few new heads to use. Maybe Kohl's or Target. Costco only has the Elite 2 base set.
  9. Has anyone seen any offers or coupons on Sonicare toothbrush systems? The base on my old one died a few days ago. I think the rechargeable battery is dead. Btw, do they recycle things like that anywhere? TIA
  10. Great point EmConMom! My sis is a pharmacist so she double checks for us. We've moved prescriptions around so much that becomes an important issue.
  11. I asked them if they accept competitor coupons and they said yes. So I'll be trying this soon with the $30 RiteAid offer.
  12. What's a 'transferred' prescription? Is that where you're doing the refill at a different pharmacy?
  13. I'll have to keep an eye out for them. Thanks for the heads up!
  14. Oh great! That's just what I was hoping for. What about if you've filled the same exact medicine at Riteaid and bring in a new prescription for the same thing? For ex: cholesterol meds that's on going. Would that qualify as new meds still?
  15. I'm trying to take advantage of the discount coupons offered for 'new' prescriptions at these stores but have a few questions. I'm hoping you guys can help me out. What is the definition of 'new' ? If I'm an existing customer at, say, RiteAid, but have a different medicine to pick up, is that considered a 'new' prescription? Also, I've never seen coupons for Target or Walmart, but have heard that they also offered $25 gc. Is that true? Thanks for any tips!
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