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  1. i thought the 15th was a holiday, but i hope this is true
  2. wow good deal at costco
  3. wheres the cheapest place to buy a ds lite? i want to get my little bro one for xmas
  4. wheres the cheapest place to buy a ds lite?
  5. aw stupid blockbuster, they should do it at all stores
  6. aw, i could have used it to buy my camera =[
  7. has anyone bought the xbox 360 from microcenter yet? and got the rebate?
  8. cool thanks
  9. about $150
  10. wow i was thinking of going, good thing i didnt
  11. Best has got to be target worst: walmart?
  12. aw i wish the sd700 would go on sale. but this is a nice deal
  13. awwww dam tax! came out to $368.05 shipped oh well, good deal none the less
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