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If you want a cheap camera, your best bet is beating the rush getting that Nikon at Best Buy for $149.99 plus they give you a $20 gift card on the spot. Not bad at all. But if you want to know what camera I'd recommend if you didn't want the cheapest one, I'll tell you the same thing I tell people everyday (I work in the camera dept), go for a Canon. I just recently bought a Canon SD450 and I love it, you can't beat it for the size of the camera and the quality of the pictures, it's just amazing, plus all the newer Canon's have the quick Digic II processors in them. If you can afford a little extra $, Canon is worth it.
When I left work at Best Buy tonight at 6pm, there was already about 15 people in line and our Best Buy isn't releasing them until 9am tomorrow morning. Not to mention, they have to wait outside and this is in upstate NY and the temperature right now is 44 degrees and its going down to 37 by morning. They're lining up earlier than people do at our store for Black Friday.
I noticed a few people commented on the BF roleplay meeting we have at Best Buy so I'll explain further how it went in our store. Basically everyone goes to their departments and finds out who the "lucky" opening shift employees are. The opening shift employees are all assigned a specific duty. In our department we have 1 person ringing out departmental purchases and one person helping them with the doorbusters. I am the person at the start of the line that tells people they're next to be rung up and helps them with the accessories. Another person is at the back of the line letting people know where the line is forming and talking about service plans. Another couple of people are just helping customers that are interested in things other than the doorbusters. After we had all the opening employees in position, all of the people that weren't opening were assigned to demonstrate the lines at the register up front. It is a queue system where there is one big line that feeds all the registers so you don't get stuck in the so-called slow line at one register and wish you were two registers over where the cashier seems faster.:) Then all those non-opening employees rushed each department in demonstration of how crazy the rush will be and so we could see how our roles would work. Some people had cards that described difficult customer situations that could possibly happen, and then we had to roleplay those as if they were the customer. Hope that explains it better. The roleplay is basically just an attempt to get things to run as smooth as a black friday possibly could.
In the past, they only hand out tickets for the early bird specials because they are usually the best deals and they usually have limited quantities of the item. They usually seem to hand out tickets for items that they have less than 30 of or that they think are going to be a big sell.
The tickets (colored paper with a picture of the item printed on it) ensure that you are able to purchase the item on the paper. If you don't have one then you cannot purchase that item. Does that help?
I live in Syracuse, NY and I have done Best Buy on BF for the last three years. Since its so cold here, I usually get there around 3am and wait in my car until another person shows up and then I get out and wait. I believe they were opening at 6am though at that point, so I'd probably advise to go at 2am this year like the others were saying. Our Best Buy hands out the colored paper doorbuster vouchers for all of the big items (computers, camcorders, really good deals, etc) about 30 minutes before opening. One year I stood in line for something I wanted and my mom asked me to pick up a computer deal for her too. Since it was so crazy I just got what I wanted and got out, I didn't have to wait in too long of a line because I paid for my stuff in one of the departments. Then I brought the voucher home to my mom and had her go to Best Buy and redeem the voucher herself when she was done shopping WalMart because I didn't have enough extra cash for her computer. She had no problems when she came back in, but it was still before noon when the doorbusters were still going on. Also, our store normally has about how many they say the minumum is in the ad. Sometimes there's a few more of some items, but not usually a large amount more, so I definitely advise trying to be in the first 25 people if you're shopping our store.
I've been in retail for the last five years but mainly in clothing stores that don't open so early. This year I am working BF at Best Buy. We just had a meeting today to try and roleplay what will happen the day of. I unfortunately have the 4am-2pm shift and won't be able to wait in line this year. It's kinda weird considering the last 3 years I've waited in line at Best Buy and now I'm going to be on the other end of it and have to get my friends to wait in line for my items )
It most likely will be the Kodak C340, the next 5MP Kodak we have in our store is the one with 4x optical zoom (the Z730 i believe). Also, if you return the camera now, you will have to pay a 15% restocking fee if you have already opened it. If you havent opened it, you can return it for 14 days after date of purchase. If you are going to pricematch a camera on BF, you must be in that 14 day window. Therefore you have to buy it within 14 days of BF in order to be able to pricematch it to the BF price. Hope that helps!
I'm from Upstate NY and we just had our Friends and Family Event at Best Buy. It was Saturday, October 29th at 8am, and I believe it went until 10am or noon. I am pretty sure it was the same date for all of the stores.