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Everything posted by Hoyle1

  1. some you could and some you could not, if you couldnt the ticket said no gift card on it but everyone that we had did not say no. i think there were some tvs that didnt have it
  2. i went to dubuque, i got the national price and the gift cards on laptop dvd player and all the other stuff
  3. im not trying to defend it or anything but walmart sells sony and pioneer too
  4. dual usually doesnt make good products but this guy put one in his truck with a 1000 watt amp and he said he uses it hard everydya and they hold up good. but your friend is right dual speakers arent usually good.
  5. im looking on getting it too, i looked at reviews, circuit city has reviews on the amp they were all good, i think it was epinions had reviews on the sub and box and those were really good too
  6. i think that its a one time only special. its not an item they usually carry just used for black friday.
  7. last year got to cc at about 12:30 and was about 50th, went to bb from there at around 5:30 and was about 150th-200th
  8. So when it says the laptop is available 24-26, does it mean 11:59pm on the 24th through 12:01 on the 26th?
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