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Posts posted by Kingfalcon

  1. me! i'm dragging the boyfriend, stepson and sister out early again. i need to regroup and then i need a nap.


    CHHHHHHHARGE IT!!!!!!!!!

    Was anyone else confused by "boyfriend" and "stepson" used in this context?? Anyways, I'm not going out for more punishment... hopefully I can sleep in Saturday morning.
  2. I have seen people indicate that the laptops and other loss-leaders will be left out on pallets and the customers will have to run and fight for them. While I find this unlikely, it is Walmart we are talking about, so I wouldn't be surprised. Does anyone out there know if they are going to be using a ticket system like BB and CC or if they are actually going to incite riots by having people fight over the dozen or so laptops on a pallet?
  3. We'll see how well it works out. I just bought a $500 Walmart GC for $425 shipped. The guy has good feedback and he actually responded to the few negatives he has received (which indicates that he actually cares). Hopefully everything turns out OK for me because laptop here I come!
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