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Posts posted by wyntyrose

  1. My daughter asked for 5 things this year and the hardest thing to find has been clothing for her Ken dolls. I have even looked at pattern books to make her a wardrobe for him and no luck. If anyone knows where I can get a good selection of clothes for Ken please let me know. Thank you
  2. We are doing 5 things, which is a huge scale back for what we usually get. But moving, buying a house and me not working means Christmas will be more intimate this year. They are all ok with it and I have already gotten a few things picked up. I explained to the my youngest 7 and 8 that Santa has so many kids to buy for and prices are high so this year he is sticking to a list only format. My oldest is 13 and he could care less.
  3. we live in military housing so space is limited, but in our hall closet under the stairs was a board screwed into the wall, so I removed the board and found a lovely space hidden behind the closet under the stairs. all of the gifts are in there and i just but the board back in place and kids don't even know it is there!
  4. What a night/morning got to Target at 11:30 friend and I were first and second in line with 8 people behind us. At about 4:00 three girls walk up and are standing by the door with us, saying they were employees and were allowed to be at the front of the line. So when the manager opened the door to let real employees in I mentioned this fact to her, she looked at the girls and said they are not employees here. So I said how we had all been waiting since 11:30 and it was ridiculous that they would cut in line and lie. Well she said I understand and went back in the store, about 5 minutes later with a line that extended around the building a security guard came up and escorted the girls to the back of the line. So after that we got through target, got the nerf gun and 5 scooters, grabbed starbucks and were across the street at walmart by 5:17, walmart was busy but we were at kmart before they opened, grabbed what we wanted there and were at Joannes before 7 and home by 8.
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