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About elicia423126

  • Birthday 03/31/1978
  1. I found a Barbie 3-story dream townhouse today for $32.50! It was on a shelf with the ping-pong tables. It had a shipping label so it must have been an online return.
  2. Thanks for the tv link!
  3. I can't get my store map to come up. I put my zip in and click on the store link and all I get is a blank page. Can someone tell me if the 32" tv for $198 will be online, please? Thank you
  4. Where are you located? I would LOVE to find one of these!!!
  5. I picked up a Spike at Walmart this week for $40. There were about 8 in a clearance aisle beside all the Christmas stuff. Then in the regular toy aisle there were another 3 marked 59.50. I didn't scan any of those to see if they were $40 also. The boxes looked the same though.
  6. Well, I would say if Spike is 50% off at your Walmart then buy it, and if it goes 75% at Target and you are able to get one, return the Walmart one later. If it isn't marked 50% at Walmart take it over to a scanner. I have done that a lot the past two days, and have been pleasantly surprised.
  7. He was 59.50, maybe Target will have it cheaper?
  8. This is true! The store closest to me still has toys on clearance from last Christmas. BTW what is your take on this year's toy clearance? Do you think we'll see 75% soon? You were very accurate last year.:)
  9. Check out Walmart, a lot of toys including spike have been marked way down. At my local store nothing was marked but I knew to scan certain toys because of another forum I'm on too. Good luck!
  10. I like Mason, I have a son named Mase so I think my daughter would like that. She also doesn't have a boy baby. But they are all so cute...........
  11. Which ones did you get?
  12. This code is still good. Has anyone got their doll yet? If so do you like it? I'm thinking about ordering one for my daughter's 3rd birthday this spring.
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