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About jellybean051901

  • Birthday 06/23/1978
  1. Just saw something online saying that Pomsies and Squeezamals will be popular this year
  2. Medina, OH. I tried to add my marker but there was no "upside down rain drop" on mine.
  3. 1. I have been Black Friday shopping for 16 years 2. I plan to spend about the same this year as last year. I have already gotten some things. I am going just for the fun of it really. 3. I may do some shopping online in addition to physical shopping. 4. I tentatively have 4 people going with me. 5. I wish Walmart would change the way they do big ticket items. I wish they would hand out tickets or wrist bands then let you walk around until it was time for the sale to start.
  4. Thanks
  5. Does anyone know what model the Casio Keyboard might be? I was wondering if it is the same one that is in the TRU big toy book. A Keyboard is on DD Santa list.
  6. DD 9 wants Monster High. The new ones are always especially hard to find at first so I have been picking them up to stash away as I find them. The newest one is being released tomorrow. DD4 wants My Little Pony Equestria Girls Dolls and Princess Sophia toys. They both like Lego Friends. Glitzy Globes, and the Rubberband Bracelet making looms. I also heard that the Ever After High dolls may be popular.
  7. My dd9 wants a keyboard, laptop, and more monster high dolls. My dd4 wants MLP Equestria dolls. That is the list so far. I am sure it will grow as more commercials come out
  8. Got the book in the mail but no $10 off $100 coupon
  9. DD3 is asking for Little Mommy Doctor Mommy Doll
  10. We got a 12 foot for DD 3 and DD 8. I would recommend getting the things to fasten it to the ground. We got ours from Sears about two months ago. It was around $229 on clearance. We also only allow one at a time on it to minimize injuries.
  11. #1 What do you mean you didn't get any doorbusters in! #2 Anyone up for TV surfing? #3 Doorbuster: One free kid with a $50 dollar purchase.
  12. I am very much against bringing young children shopping on black friday. My DD is 8 this year and she really wants to go with us. I think I might allow her but was wondering what the general feeling is about age. I know this is usually a heated topic but just wanted to get some feedback. In the end, I know it is my decision. She is mature for her age and I think she would have a lot of fun with us. Plus she is a night owl so she can probably stay up all night with us. Worse case scenerio is I have to run her home. Also I have done most of her shopping so I don't have to worry about hiding things from her. What age do you think is a good starting point?
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