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About Keebelf

  • Birthday 11/08/1978

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  1. YAY! Love adding to the collection. Thanks, Brad!
  2. Fave thing about Black Friday is giving DH a list of what I want, telling him where to go and then sleeping in and enjoying my day while he goes and gets everything.
  3. I saw the NERF protector at Walmart he other night. They looked really cool and I loved the Neon green one! We are thinking of just getting the kids gift cards to places like that (Wlamrt, Target, Best Buy) so that way they can get the games and accessories they want vs. me trying to decide. If it had been up to me alone, without my daughters input, I would have gotten her the red one and Patrick the blue one. But, she wanted blue and he want black.
  4. This still had the box as well as the plastic bag that the instructions came in and all three languages (English, French, and Spanish) of the manual and quick start guides. After we got it, we went to MIL's house and plugged it up for it to charge and tested it.
  5. DD asked for a Nintendo DSi for Christmas a month or two ago. Found out about the 3DS's instead and so have been saving up for the past few weeks to get her and DS a 3DS for each of them. DD's boyfriend's Mom called me on Tuesday and informed me of an ad on our community FaceBook page where a family was selling their 3DS. The bought it brand new, so paid the full price for it. Their son wasn't playing it nearly as much as they thought he would so he would rather have the money. So, for the blue game system (which is the color my DD wants), the games MonkeyBall (DD wants) and Lego Pirates of the Carib.(DS wants), a Mario Kart Stylus and game carrier that carries 8 games, I paid 150.00!!! It got home Tuesday evening, looked up the post and messaged them saying that I would have money in hand and ready if they wanted to meet me somewhere. So, Wed. morning I had it in my hot little hands and it is now up in the closet. I don't think I could have gotten a better deal if I had tried. And, we still have money left over from what we had been saving to get a system for DS as well!
  6. She probably has played a DS or a DSi from her friends but she doesn't have anything. I do know that you can adjust the 3D and even turn it off so that might help her. I am not going to let her play it at a store unless she does it without me knowing. When she first told me that she wanted one (she actually wants a DSi) I told her flat out NO. But I have been doing research on it and I am going to get her one. We have been doing the Dave Ramsey Money Makeover for the past 2 years, off and on and we HAVE to save money up starting during the summer. My Son's birthday is Nov. 26 and then we have Christmas and then my Daughters is Jan. 13. We usually try to get at least one big money present for Christmas for them both and then little stuff. 2 years ago it was bikes fro both of them (paying cash that we had saved up) and for my DD's birthday it was a 250.00 Doctor Who TARDIS birthday cake (about 2' high, 3-D version). We wouldn't have been able to do any of that if we hadn't saved up. Chris has a little doo-dad from work that is a dial and has all the months and you can pick a starting date and find out how many weeks away another date is. It comes in handy when trying to save up weekly.
  7. DD wanted a Nintendo DSi but we are going to get her a 3DS instead. Starting this coming week we are going to be putting 15.00 aside for the next 13 weeks. On the week of Oct. 15, we are going to layaway a red 3DS at Kmart and pick it up the week of Dec. 15. IF the 3DS has a price drop for Black Friday, we can get the price adjustment then and we will go ahead and pick i up then as well.
  8. Most of the ONLINE deals are pretty open as to how many you can get. I would think that they have more items at the wharehouse, or it is easier to get the item from the wharehouse than the selection you have at a store. Plus, buying from the store means that the item is THERE, the minute you buy it. Buying online, gives them time to get the item and ship it. Most of the ONLINE deals, if I remember correctly, were for that day only in order to take advantage of the BF deals. Either way, online shopping is way less stressful than going out though.
  9. yes, thank you Scott
  10. I tried doing a search with several different words that I could think of but I wasn't coming up with the thread I want....it was the thread that had that link to the site where you can make and print up your own flash cards for different subjects--spelling, math...etc.
  11. Either Jacksonville, FL or Roanoke, VA. But, this is a trick question because I send Chris out to do all my shopping. LOL. Don't have to leave the house other than to unpack the car.
  12. if the sheets are going to be over the mem. foam, what does discoloration have to do with it? (honestly wondering since I don't have one.)
  13. the Dyson....when you have to empty it.....it is like a trap door basically. You push a button the base handle (vs. the wand handle) to get the canister off of the machine and then you have a finger trigger under the base handle and the door at the BOTTOM of the canister drops open on hinges and everything falls out. I have a DC7 or 14 with just the normal attachments adn I love it. I wasn't liking the wand part until I realized that the hose can slide down it, and even unclip off, if you want it to. Up until then, I cursed the hose part because the wand tube went so far down that it would create too sharp of an angle in the hose and then the wand would be trying to suck the hose in and I would lose suction. Then, I found out that you can slide the hose all the way down to the edge of the wand and it works 100% better now. We got a refurbished one from Big Lots and just so happened to go on a day when they were having their Friends and Family discount and anyone who ASKED for it could get 15% off additionally.
  14. all I need is like one or two med/lrge. ones and that will be fine
  15. it is like that in USCBecca's post about the HSBC raising it's rates. Frieked asked a question and then his next post has a quote that is supposedly between his question and his response.
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