We went to walmart at 4am and I price matched a bunch of movies from BB, CC, & target which ticked off my cashier which I understand cuz I worked for walmart for 6 yrs before I figured out the suck and quit. Well I spent of $300 on movies, clothes for my 9 yr old and basic things I didn't need . I did have to back a couple ppl off me tho. I don't know whats with ppl these days they assume whatever they want is theres just because they want it I guess.
We then went to Old Navy and I got some more clothes for my son & a couple presents for his cousins.
Off to CC and bought the James Bond boxsets vol. 1-4 and a few other movies
TRU which was so crowed we had to go to another town and get the things we needed but it was so nice over there we figured might have to go back next yr. I didn't buy anything there my friend I was with got the ps2 & the guitar for guitar hero.
Then to good ole Jcpenney where I bought another almost $200 worth of clothes for my son...which is alright with me since he did so great in school I'm going to spoil him even more with all the presents. :)
I did some online shopping at amazon.com, bestbuy.com, fye.com, kmart.com, oldnavy.com and buy.com for other presents during the week and bf since I wasn't gonna be able to hit all stores so I'm almost done shopping. good thing too since I'm darn near broke!! lol