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Everything posted by woody35

  1. woody35

    Walmart Returns

    No kidding!! I've worked in Walmart CS for way too long... it's pretty pathetic how often people try (and do) scam the company for money EVERY day in EVERY way. It goes on all day long at the service desk. Here's a tip... keep all lies told to the return desk short and sweet. We've heard them all before and the lies jump out immediately. Don't tell big elaborate stories about how aunt Betty bought you the wrong underwear.... just tell the store you want to do the return/exchange. Nobody there really cares why you want to make the return unless the product is defective or missing something and they need to make sure it doesn't go back on the shelves. People doing 'fake' returns tend to tell way too many details about why they're returning something and while they think it's making them look more believable, it does just the opposite and gives them away as fibbers. (much of the time) Also... regarding other comments: No, Walmart can't look up your purchases on a computer if you don't have receipts. You either have the receipt yourself or you don't. You get 3 'no receipt' transactions connected to your I.D. within 12 months. If the return is under $10 amount, that won't count against you as the computer won't force the employee to ask for your I.D. This policy is due to huge amount of people who steal items and bring them back for cash. Also due to huge amount of people who bring in items from other stores because original stores the items were really purchased from won't take the items back. A returned item with no receipt - you only get store credit for current price of that item in that particular store, period. Doesn't matter if item has it's original price tag on it that shows you may have paid more for it. (since many sales involve red tag clearance stickers that can be easily removed to appear you paid more than you did) If you know the other Walmart store down the road is currently selling the item for a higher price than the one you're trying to return it to and the price difference really matters enough to make the trip, then take the item to the other store down the road for the higher refund price. If you still have the UPC for an item (but no receipt) and want to know which nearby Walmart store will give you the biggest refund for it, call up each store and ask them to tell you the current price. This doesn't work as well with stores that only answer the phone in the clothing dept. Get the customer service desk or somewhere else in store that has a phone & cash register together in one spot and they can easily type in the UPC and see current price on that particular store's computer. Each store drops certain prices at different times. Of the 7 Walmart stores in our city or on outskirts, one is a very small Supercenter and doesn't have the floor space to keep clothing in stock for very long. So that store puts items on clearance prices faster than many of the other nearby Walmart stores do so they can free up room for the new clothing coming in every week. Keeping your receipts means you can always prove what price you paid for an item if the prices go lower and sometimes that can be worth several dollars per item. Do I always keep all my receipts? No, of course not. :)
  2. Okay, a very long reply about PM at Walmart. I'm surprised so many people say their local Walmart stores may not PM on BF. This will be my 6th BF working at a Walmart supercenter. Remember that price-matching is a CORPORATE policy... not a store-by-store or manager's-whim policy. Walmart stores do have specific rules to follow regarding PM and front-end employees, CSMs, and managers have to take the same exact computer training course(s) on that subject. OK, so maybe some employees remember the PM policy better than others but they all have to pass the trainining on it & the computerized system keeps track if someone hasn't had the training by a certain deadline. Then store mgmt gets in trouble so they make sure everyone's getting all their training updates. Trust me, there are price-matching issues pretty much ever 20 minutes at our WM... I get asked to settle a bunch of the disputes. I'm still amazed at how many front end employees (including CSMs AND managers) don't understand the PM policy 100%... and it's not THAT hard. Although to be fair, different members of store management do give different interpretations to employees all the time.... we have to re-train some of the mgrs. on it sometimes & show them the written policy. :-) On top of that, many of the employees seem afraid to make a decision on their own, even about a 50-cent price difference... so they drag a CSM over for petty PM questions because they feel they can't go out on a limb on their own. I don't have that problem. LOL I know the corporate PM policy and mgmt. never questions anything PM'd by me. The last Walmart training course on PM specifically said that customers DO NOT have to have the ads to PM items. Yes, that's a written corporate policy but that's found in an internal document and not something stores post publicly. As some managers have told me before, it's up to Walmart to have their competitors' ads on hand, not up to the customers to bring the ads in. But good luck getting most employees to go along with that, especially any of the managers! Pretty much everyone at WM is going to ask you for the competitor ad. But that's because there are a LOT of people who try to scam the stores every single day over all kinds of purchases. And you know it's like with so many other things... a few people ruin things for everyone else. Walmart's PM rules have been mentioned in this thread already... and they do not change those rules for BF or any other big sales. No B1G1, B2G1, or any similar deal. No % off No instant rebates No get $10 in free groceries if you spend $50 kind of stuff No matching of store loyalty card ad prices (you may get lucky on this though) Ad must have a specific price on it... not vague like 30% off an unprinted price Ad for generic brand grocery items can be PM'd for Walmart 'Great Value' generics You don't have to prove another store has something in stock. If it's in the competitor's ad, it's assumed the item is in stock and you could go buy it there instead of Walmart. We don't use a mileage range for nearby competitor ads... but I don't think there's anything for or against that in writing and you may hear different individual store policies about that. You may have luck with 1-800-walmart asking if stores can set their own PM-matching mileage policy. We're in a suburb in major metro area so many competitor stores are very close and it could be handled differently in a smaller town with few competitors. Kind of curious to know if each store can decide about PM mileage radius for themselves though. Some PMs may require someone with a key for approval. This is because the registers automatically request a CSM if you're doing a PM for something that's a significantly lower price. It used to be when your PM price was discounting more than half the Walmart price or if it was more than $20-30 difference on a big ticket item. That actually just changed very recently and sorry but I can't remember exact amount now. I think it still asks for key-turn if PM is more than half off the Walmart price but now a PM on big ticket item won't ask for key-turn up to $100 in price difference. (I think that's the new amount but it's so new I haven't seen it come up yet. LOL) Of course, a cashier still may drag a CSM over if they don't know the policy well or are afraid to make a decision on the issue. Don't feel guilty 'holding up' a line to get a better deal. It's not your fault if a cashier is a bit rusty on that stuff. As a matter of fact, you should nicely mention it to store management so they can get that person some remedial training! It's not your fault the person behind you in line is glaring because they think there should never be anyone ahead of them in a line. Be polite but firm about your PM ad prices. Always better to be helpful about it than overbearing... it's that old honey-vs-vinegar thing.
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