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  1. Well, all of my items are gone from my cart and SO, oh well. Would anyone who got the 15% off e-mail be willing to forward it to me so I can give it a shot at the store? :) :) :)
  2. Alright, I'm making an executive decision that it just isn't worth it for a sheet set! :) Goodnight and happy BF everyone!
  3. Eeeek. No kidding. I wouldn't wish that on anyone!
  4. Ok, seriously-I should expect this because it happens every year, but I'd really like to go to bed before heading out in a few hours!
  5. BTW...some of the example winners from last year had lame stories IMO...it gives me a little more hope for this year!
  6. I'm so excited they are doing it again this year. Hopefully I'll have better luck than last year!
  7. REI may have some deals...
  8. That is a GREAT idea. I wish they had one for blackberry...
  9. Just be glad you're not getting 2 feet of snow! :)
  10. Cold Weather....and the people who think it is ok to hold a spot in line for their 5 friends who join them 30 min before the store opens. UGH.
  11. Me too...I'd be more than happy to help!
  12. It is so freakin' big...I think it might crash my old computer! :)
  13. I also love the drive to the store and the adrenaline rush, but I think most of all I like being part of something bigger than myself (the line waiting to get in the store). And, yes, I fully realize how corny that sounds...but it is the truth! :)
  14. WooooHooo! Here we go!
  15. If we do BB this year I'll be at the Arapahoe/University store. Have you camped at BB here yet? We moved from Milwaukee Four years ago and I've yet to camp at BB in Denver. I'm just wondering how early the lines typically start... :)
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