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  1. We were in Bismarck shopping but mind you, I had just gotten back from my honeymoon in Maui 5 days before Black Friday. My blood thinned while I was there so it was really hard to come back to ND at the end of November at 9 days of 85* weather. I know it has been much colder here but I am just not ready for winter yet and for some reason it always gets colder 2 days or so before Black Friday.
  2. The deals last year at Menards were not as good as they have been in the past but I always find something there and then I am the one standing in line there with a list for everyone. Funny how I never need anything from Staples but they guys always want something from Menards. :) Oh well, I love BF and I am hoping it isn't as cold here this year as it was last year!!!
  3. Will the person that gave you the BF ad also be giving you the Thanksgiving Day ad also? We usually hit Kmart Thanksgiving morning too. If you can get the Thanksgiving Day ad too, that would be wonderful. This site is the best!!!
  4. How many lights were those Geno? I vaguely remember them but the things is that you don't really have time to leisurely shop and stroll through the stores on Black Friday. If it isn't in the ad or you don't walk by it on the way to something else, you probably won't see it. I remember trying to get to the fleece blankets last year and there was no way anyone was getting close to the bin they were in with the women that were around it. It was just crazy!! After we had gotten in line to check out and we sent people one by one back through the store to try and find things we couldn't get to on the first trip around the store. I also really like that Menard's doesn't put limits on things for Black Friday. There were people the first year we went that had carts full of the candles for $1.99. They weren't even willing to share 1 or 2 with the people that didn't get any.
  5. Menards has become the one store that everyone has something to get for us. They really do have something for everyone. I never thought I would become such a fan of Menard's but it is the first place that all of us go on Black Friday. Usually there are 3 couples and we get everything and head for the checkout line. The guys usually take off and head to Staples or Office Depot while we stay and check out. Then the girls and I load up all our stuff and head to Target or Walmart and meet up with the guys later for breakfast somewhere. I am sitting on pins and needles waiting for the new ads. I was at Menard's the other day and I am assuming some of the same things will be on sale again this year. Those things being the fleece blankets, jar candles, choc. covered cherries, mints, lotion/shower gel sets and wrapping paper. As we walked through the store we were trying to figure out what would be back on sale since they are setting up certain endcaps already. Gotta love Black Friday!!!!!!!!
  6. I am getting impatient!!! I am so much of a planner that I sit and mull over the ads for hours once I get them. I thought we had some ads at this time last year too, but I could be getting old and not be remembering correctly. I can't wait to get the ads and figure out our game plan for who is going where and getting what!!!
  7. I am also in Fargo Jaded and you can't pay me on a regular day to go to Walmart in Fargo. It is always a zoo. If I need things from there I head to Dilworth and then I can use the Uscan and not deal with the crabby cashiers! We were in Fargo 1 year for BF and did BB. We swore to never do that again. The line was around the store and we got into line about halfway across he backside of the building. It was so cold that year! I enjoy shopping in Bismarck so much more. It is just big enough to have almost all the stores we need or want and if there is a store we don't have the guys usually just order things online if that is possible. We havne't found much at BB in the past few years anyway. You need to be within the first 10 in line to get the really big stuff and that is just insane. The year we did go to BB we waited for an hour to check out. We were not happy campers by the time we were done. It was one of the worst experiences I have had on BF.
  8. Actually we don't but we might end up in the same city on BF depending on where the guys decide they want to shop. Starsine said: Boy I wish there was a Menard's around here it sounds like a great store It is a great store! We are thining that the $25 dvd players from last year will be $20 or less this year. They are currently in the store for $28.35 right now, so I am sure they will be an awesome deal this year. I have lots of the $3.88 lava lamps from last year around the house. They made great gifts for the kids we had to buy presents for and they thought they were worth a lot more than we paid. The also had fleece blankets for around $3 if I remember right. Oh, and they had batter operated toothbrushes for $1.98 or something like that I think. All I know is I had a cart full of stuff that was for us and my mom. It is all about the thrill of the hunt and since they open early you can still get in and out quickly and then head to the other stores. Gotta love the BF deals!!!
  9. We have never stashed items anywhere but knowing the ads in advance really helps when you can head to the store and find what you really want and make a plan for who gets what and in what direction everyone goes in. I am also in ND for BF and we have had to dress warm and take the coffee and hot chocolate with us. Office Depot did have juice and doughnuts a couple years ago but I was at Target with the girls and the guys were at Office Depot and Staples. We always have Menard's figured out and that seems to be the one store that all of us end up starting at because there are so many things and bigger things that everyone wants.
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