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  1. We really enjoy Wii Sport Resort and Wii Ski.
  2. Loveland / Ft. Collins, Colorado
  3. Ordered a pair for my step daughter (17) for Christmas. I hope she likes them! Thanks for posting!
  4. Great deal! I bought 2 kids and a pair for me! Thanks so much!
  5. What do you consider a reasonable price as this varies from person to person? I know with my college books I always use a one off edition and have yet to have any trouble.
  6. I can hardly wait, I'm so excited! Was just talking to my SIL about being ready for BF this year!!! Funds are already set aside, just need the ads to figure out what I HAVE to have!!! LOL!
  7. Try Bargain Outfitters, I received an email today that said 'gigantic footwear sale'. I looked and they had some nice Florsheim Shoes. Good luck!
  8. I have no idea what they consider 'markdowns' but the sales person put it through and didn't even blink about it.
  9. No problems printing or using! Picked up 2 t-shirts and a pair of jeans that were all clearanced for a total of $17.XX. Thank you!!!!
  10. Setlok....I'm in Northern CO. What other suggestions do you have? My husband and I have been going to Vintages in Ft. Collins and having them do the wine making and then we go in and bottle it. Its a good time to take friends and family to do with us but it takes time to plan correctly. Anyway we are huge fans of the reds and always like to try different things. Love suggestions! Thanks!
  11. Me too!! $14.99!! Now if I can find the other things they need to go with it.....ahhh!
  12. Depends on the age. My boys are 5 and 7 so they get character socks and underwear as a standard. Then I also usually try to do bath stuff like crayons and foam. I try to find little things like rubber balls and pencils. Just depends on the child. My stepdaughter is 16 and I usually do a piece of jewelry and fuzzy socks. Perfume and lip gloss is always good for her as well.
  13. My youngest sons (he will be 5 this year!) birthday is December 12th and mine is the 16th. My brother-in-law's is the 28th. While growing up I always felt slighted to some degree with the combo present. I think this is why I always make sure my son's birthday is completely seperate from Christmas. Also, by having him so close to mine I found that I completely forget about my birthday because I want him to have so much fun with his. As for my brother-in-law it varies year to year. This year it will be a combo gift card as he is currently stationed in Baghdad. Previous years were usually always seperate gifts. Oh and the gift wrapping does matter.....it always matters! People wouldn't do Easter egg paper for someone with an April birthday so why do they do Christmas just because it is December.
  14. If she likes silver jewelry then you could check at silverjewelryclub. Sorry, I don't know how to do links.
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