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  1. Different little boy... here is an update, the cards have started... http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2009/12/11/story-boy-brain-cancer-christmas-cards.html?sid=102
  2. Thank you.
  3. Please send this little boy a Christmas card as he hopes to collect one million for his last Christmas... Nathan Elfrink 2415 Taylor Blair Road West Jefferson OH 43162 I received this email today ...a link to the news story is also included. http://www.columbusmessenger.com/NC/0/7519.html
  4. Yes...we will be participating as our family is both Catholic and German and we live in the Midwest...lol However ours is just a tad different... We use our stockings, as a child when I was growing up our stockings were the very first "Christmas decoration" to come out. St. Nicholas comes on the 5th for the morning of the 6th. We've always left out our "lists" for St. Nick with our stocking and in return if the children have been good they will receive sweets. My kids haven't remembered this year yet...which is great because it will be fun to surprise them!
  5. Cheap Laptop.... Emachines laptop / bag / mouse combo $279.97...and free shipping. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/eMachines+eMD525-2925+Laptop+Package+with+Optical+Mouse+%26+Laptop+Case/9999120800050003.p?id=pcmprd120900050003&skuId=9999120800050003&childSku=9641748&count=1
  6. Hand Sanitizer Kleenex Packs Toothbrush covers for the toiletry kits Love the idea about the highlighters....maybe some "funky" pens and pencils? mini hairbrushes - for their purses Travel size hairspray flashlights
  7. Here is the Indiana Jones.... http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Dtoys-and-games&field-keywords=indiana+jones+lego+set Here is the Star Wars... http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Dtoys-and-games&field-keywords=star+wars+lego+set Not sure exactly what you are looking for but with Amazon for most its no tax and free shipping. Maybe this helps?
  8. I agree with the above poster...these work: http://www.drscholls.com/drscholls/productSearch.do?method=doProductDetailsLookup&searchArg=93
  9. EBTSVE15 worked for me tonight to get 15% off - I don't know what the details are, I just found the code and it worked plus you still get Kohls Cash today - it's the last day!
  10. These codes won't work until tomorrow...atleast they don't work for me, the email said on 11/30 only.
  11. Winter White Scrunch Boot Limited Sizes Outlet Regular $100 now $26.99 http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?catnum=QF024-7755Q&action=Edit&ItemSeq=0&EditRefPage=http%3a%2f%2fwww2.jcpenney.com%2fjcp%2fbag.aspx&cmBagLookup=True&ts=129039675275124697&CmCatId=bag
  12. 40%off Original prices or 10% off Sale prices through Fri. Dec. 18 use code MAGIC40
  13. Thanks...cute!
  14. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=159360&highlight=aeropostale anyone know how to get the free holiday bear as mentioned in the above thread?
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