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  1. Here for Jan check-in! We took down our tree last weekend. Room looks so big an empty now
  2. December!! So glad that we have had cooler weather so much more like winter!
  3. It's not a BF deal, but they are building a BJ's Warehouse in our town and was selling memberships for $25. I searched and found a website that had them for $20 but then searched on a different site and found the page for a different BJ's that was opening that had them for $15! Score
  4. Wasn't able to get out in person yet again so thank you all for your replies in this thread. I enjoyed reading all your adventures.
  5. I definitely spend less. Between not being in store for impulse buys, website being so hard to navigate, deals not being as good... I didn't even bother with Walmart's site this year, based on the insanity of the pre-sales - not worth the aggravation,
  6. no, because apparently I am the only one who cares about Christmas gifts, and I was too wiped to bug people ahead of time. Plus vacation on BF meant I ordered gifts tonight. And still have more. Ugh.
  7. Hubbalance

    Working on BF

    No, but I did work BF at Kohl's one year. It was awesome.
  8. I was going to ask if they sent them out this year. I didn't get one/ What I want isn't on their website anyway. I find it lacking. Not even sure if the sale continues tomorrow. So many end tonight. Might try to convince DH to stop by there tomorrow.
  9. Can't even get the site to load any pages.
  10. Wasn't holiday decor just 50% off? How is the BF sale only 30% off? That doesn't make sense lol
  11. I love this deign so much. I would gladly buy one!
  12. I added a phone case - finally they have a wider selection of cases including the same Otter Box case I had for my previous phone.
  13. Thanks!
  14. I really wish my family would get my their Christmas lists! The time to shop, order, receive, wrap, find and pack a box and send out to them before Christmas deadlines is getting short! Not to mention having to spread shopping out over pay periods. I hardly ever shop Amazon and they always have Amazon stuff on their list.
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