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  1. In all honesty it's always down before New Years. It depends on the animals and if it's a battle with them destroying it. There are years it's done by 12/26 lol.
  2. Christmas Eve we put up the tree and decorate. It's a family tradition
  3. Sadly it's OOS everywhere at that price
  4. Love my FRberware AF
  5. Got one, thanks. True story my son has his LL Bean backpack from when he was 11 years old, he's 31 now. It has been thru high school, college and grad school, living in Europe. It still is perfect
  6. Square Trade is awesome
  7. We went to JC Penney, medium crowds, got everything we wanted. We went to Vanity Fair Outlet, dead quiet. Kohls by 1pm, busy but well stocked out by 2:20. Target again not too busy, lots of stuff available. We went to Walmart on Saturday afternoon they still had doorbusters and were honoring those prices. My friend works at WM and said it was the quietest BF shes ever seen. Online sales were slammed she heard
  8. My son really wants a PS4 with Spiderman and Uncharted games. Any chance I'll score these online? I cannot get to the store for BF due to health issues.
  9. Tree goes up every Christmas Eve, family tradition. We put it up, decorate it, make Santa cookies, open 1 gift and read TNBC, every year since forever
  10. I was told that the software is older or outdated that way. A fully loaded one is $70 online and that includes everything guaranteed
  11. Does anyone have one? Yeah or Neigh? I see them online and spoke to a guy who said the online instructions to jailbreak them aren't current and they have specialized software. FYI I did check these are not illegal (well in my state at least Massachusetts) Thanks IF they really work it'd be a great gift for my adult son Thanks
  12. I really am hoping to get the PS4 Spiderman at either Target or WM....online
  13. My adult son is a huge XBox fan but there are a few games he wants that are only Available on PS4. Cheapest I can find it is $300 for just the system. Hoping to find the system and a couple games cheaper on BF.
  14. I'm happy to be back to GD. I'm hoping Fire 10" will be a great deal this year
  15. Question....where did all the great recipes, traditions section go? It was truly my favorite part of this site
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