We use the Zmodo cameras in our house. Uses the wifi but must plug in for power source. What I like is it will store a bunch of data for free, you can pay for more storage if you want/need it, but I check the footage daily and delete daily so there is no need in my household to pay that extra fee. I couldn't decide between 2 models so bought both, the pivot model is the clear winner. Bought them during some deal where we also got a free outdoor camera too, but a year later we have yet to take out of the box and use (not based on any issue with the product, just laziness). We are really looking forward to getting a good deal on a Nest system this year, wanted to buy one last year but my husband talked me out if it. Now he wants one, so I hope the deals will be even better this year! Haven't really heard any complaints about the nest products, only good stuff.