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  1. Wittenlover thank you so much!!! You absolutely spoiled me and I loved everything!! The picture is missing a bag of chocolate because my son and husband snatched it I hope you have a very merry Christmas!
  2. It’s here!! I’m out of town so I won’t be opening until Christmas Eve. Thank you so much for all the wrapped goodies. I can’t wait to see what’s inside Thank You Secret Santa
  3. I will put up our trees this weekend. I did 3 trees last year but I think just 2 this year.
  4. Thank you Wittenlover!! I am using the new mug while I enjoy the coffee you sent.Once again thank you for the wonderful gifts.
  5. My secret Santa did an amazing job picking out gifts. I absolutely love everything Thank you so much I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas.
  6. It’s here!!! It’s also wrapped in my favorite kids movie wrapping paper I’m going to hold off on opening for as long as possible. Thank you Secret Santa. Just opening that package brightened my day. Ignore my walls in the background of my pic. We have been remodeling since March. Ughh
  7. Everything is wrapped up and in the box. Will address it and head to the post office tomorrow.
  8. Info sent! We are in the middle of a remodel and expecting a Granddaughter in December so only Secret Santa this year. Can’t wait to see who I get to shop for this year
  9. Our kitchen is very slowly being remodeled so I’m not sure I will access by Thanksgiving. My Daughter in Law is due with our first grandchild December 14th so I don’t think she will be up to hosting. We will probably go out this year.
  10. I’m so happy I could bring her some Christmas joy!! She was fun to buy for
  11. Secret Santa you did a great job! I’m going to save these for our next camping trip. The chocolate covered nuts didn’t make it tO the picture
  12. Cards are addressed but won’t go out until Monday. Waiting on my stamp order.
  13. My ornament has arrived and it’s adorable! Thank you to my secret sender!
  14. Secret Santa box has arrived and is placed under my tree! Thank you SS
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