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  1. My daughter is finally asking for an iPad for gaming purposes at college this would be perfect!
  2. I really dislike this practice of showing the discount amount. Just show your paying customers the price
  3. The only I saw was a ps5 at Walmart and really all you got was the Spider-Man game for free
  4. Those will be in the 2nd ad
  5. Thank you for posting this. We got that offer too and I immediately thought it was spam. My wife goes but how do they know this would be our second year? I’m guessing they sent this to everyone that signed up at black Friday last year and don’t want us all to bolt
  6. Lowe’s is always really last minute too
  7. The year flew by as always
  8. Lost continues to grow. I need to find a deal on a better powered leaf blower
  9. We have the plus membership. It’s worth it to just have stuff mailed to your house instead of going in there and fighting crowds, especially if you only want 1 or 2 things.
  10. Was thinking the same thing this morning. Usually by now we would have our typical early ones like Harbor Freight or Half price books
  11. My local one closed during the pandemic, the nearest one is about 25 minutes away now. They’re getting rid of the movies anyways. Every time I go in it seems like a ghost town.
  12. Best Buy is dropping the sale of physical media in the forms of dvds/blu ray etc. not a total surprise they have continued to downsize that area of the store over time.
  13. hokie7373

    New PS5 Slim?

    The only main differences I saw is that it has a slightly larger hard drive, and it is the disc less version. So if he wants to play games on disc, or watch blu rays or dvds, you have to buy the dad on disc drive,
  14. I thought it was odd too, maybe on Disney cruises where there are more kids?
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