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  1. I got what I thought is a great deal on a BJ's membership which I found on this gottadeal site. 8 bucks for a year's membership. Paid 35, used off5 code and when I went to BJ's with my receipt from Groupon they gave me a 25 giftcard....it is for new member's only though
  2. This is the gift nobody wants to get.....it is "regifted" every year to another family member who is then stuck with it for a year. The rules are it has to be played anytime a family member comes to visit DEF not a family favorite http://www.ebay.com/itm/1999-BIG-MOUTH-BILLY-BASS-Singing-Fish-Take-me-to-the-River-Dont-Worry-/321573618787?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4adf480463
  3. Thank you for giving this away!!!!!!
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