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About mastert1966

  • Birthday 10/07/1966
  1. I like Tracy's idea of the ugly sweater contest. I think I might try that!
  2. Walmart, Meijer and Menards are my main go to stores on Black Friday. Can't wait to see what they have this year.
  3. We are closed on Black Friday so I always take the following Monday off to get everything wrapped and under the tree that we set up and decorate over the weekend.
  4. I was a little let down with their sales from last year. I hope this year has better deals! Fingers crossed.
  5. So, my 82 year old mother has let me know that she has been telling all the family (about 35 people) that Christmas is at my house this year. I'm not making a big dinner so I need help with food ideas. Maybe some things to make in crockpots? Also, I only have a 4' tree. Should I get something bigger? HELP NEEDED IN OHIO
  6. My granddaughter just asked me for this for Christmas!
  7. I always end up buying slippers for all my family.
  8. mastert1966


    This is the one I have been waiting for! I can't believe it hasn't been leaked yet.
  9. I'm starting to get excited!
  10. I'm waiting on the Menards ad! Come on Menards, drop it already
  11. I was disappointed with last years black Friday ads. Let's hope this year is better!
  12. :lolrun:I'll be looking for high thread count sheet sets largely discounted, also cooling gel memory foam pillow, home improvement tools and an air fryer! Those are the top 4 things on my list this year
  13. Has this ad posted yet? I have been waiting Not So Patiently lol!
  14. Lol, I think the better question is who doesn't. I always buy myself at least one thing on Black Friday!
  15. Strongly against stores opening on Thanksgiving!
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