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I miss quickly downloading the pdf ad scan leaks before they got taken down
Yep, scratch Meijer off my list, too...depressing
I really wish Walmart would stop selling stuff on their website from "other sellers"...if I wanted to purchase items from random people, I'd go to eBay...
Not sure if this is allowed or not (feel free to remove if not) but I buy tons of scented wax, candles, and sprays from www.candlesbyvictoria.com - they are a small, family owned business...I've never found anything as good or as strong as their products. They are the sweetest family ever and we have actually ended up becoming friends with them over the years.
I have always been an early decorator but this year I will be decorating even earlier. Planning on starting Monday or Tuesday after I get my fall decor put away. We have a very busy schedule this month and I want to try to enjoy it as long as possible. (Plus I always take my decor down fairly early compared to most...it's usually down and packed away by NYE...I like having everything clean and back in order to start off the new year!)
Some new clothes for myself, surprisingly a hoverboard, new towels (kitchen and bath)
Awesome! Thanks so much for all you do! Bring on Black Friday 2024!
Off topic, but on a similar note, I'm so annoyed with Nest after Google took them over. They took a once easy to use app/system and have turned it into a PITA!
I work night shift and work on Thanksgiving this year ...so everything I do will likely be online. (I've been fully online the past few years so it's not too much of damper)
Yes, the Kohl's throws. Typically towels of some sort. Stuff from Bath and Body Works.
95 days!
I don't like it at all. One of my most favorite days of the year has just turned into another day for me...I didn't buy anything this year and felt zero excitement...*sigh*
Good God...Maybe I'm not up to speed on LED Christmas light prices, but are they still that expensive?! I bought a bunch of warm white strands of 100 LEDs at Walmart a few years ago after Christmas for 90% off...they were 70 some cents a box. I don't use them...I have tried to like them but nothing will ever satisfy my eye like the incandescent bulbs.
I work in public safety services..no such luck of us being closed for the holidays!
1. Which store do you think will have the best Black Friday sale(s) this year? Kohl’s. I feel like their deals are usually right on par with what other stores offer but when you add in the coupons they usually have and the extra Kohl’s cash you earn during their BF sales, they can’t be beat! 2. Do you anticipate shopping in stores on Black Friday this year? Feel free to explain why or why not. If I do, it will have to actually be on the morning of BF. I work nights and unfortunately have to work at 6pm Thanksgiving night until 6am. The past few years we have shopped exclusively online – I do somewhat miss the excitement of going out and about! 3. What one aspect of past Black Fridays would you like to see brought back? As many others, I really miss the stores not opening until early morning ON FRIDAY. I also miss the JcPenney snow globes.