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Posts posted by pattycal1

  1. I am having a hard time looking at hundreds of early Black Friday Deals and their Category picks is no help. Is there an easier way to search for certain Manufacturers? If I click womens shoes- I have 60+ to search- I only want certain items. Also can you set a deal alert on Amazon?

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  2. This sounds like the firestorm Zuzu pets set off. It was hit and miss with those babies too. I used the site nowinstock.net to find them. They have an alarm you can set to go off when something comes in stock. It drove my husband crazy when a rooster alarm went off in the middle of the night. Here's the link: http://www.nowinstock.net/toys/hatchimals/

    I downloaded the app for the Hatchimals and after 37 alerts- not 1 has been in stock and I click on the site immediately!

  3. This is a question-for all the major stores - Walmart- Target- Kohls- etc.-- if you buy something now and price is lower on black friday- will the stores make a price adjustment? also- Are Target- Walmart- etc. price matching only certain stores or still some of the other online retailers such as Amazon- etc.? I coul;dnt find this information in any of the forums......

  4. Thats correct- savings catcher only does certain things-- I do use savings catcher also............I have talked to corporate and the mgr. at Sandusky Walmart...........she said she was not aware of any list of stores to NOT price match etc.-- and the policy is what is printed on the walmart website.............I have not been back so will see what happens when I go back............I am persistent and when I feel I am right- I will get the attention and corrections that are needed. Thanks for replies- was wondering if any other walmart was trying to "rip off the customer" by making its own store policies.

  5. Walmart- Sandusky ohio location

    This store is now setting its own policies regarding price matching and stores. I have written and called corporate and they said that the same price matching and price matching stores still apply--- you can print their (corporate) policies as they they are online.

    1. They now have a list of stores they WILL NOT price match- ( includes Discount Drug Mart)-- yet as a consumer- we do not have that list so when we have purchased all of our items and get to check out- the checker will say - "we dont price match that store"--- too bad for us as we dont have that list and only follow what the online policies say........any store within a 25-30 mile radius of that walmart.

    2. Also- per corporate-- we do not need to show the ads for price matching- BUT it is recommended if price match is a lot less( example-50% or more.) Even ads on TV say- no need for ads to price match. My cashier wanted to see my ad for Meijers to price match a difference of approx. 24 cents different. She went to check the ads they had in their store at a different checkout --- they couldnt find their ads........she made a big deal about it and called for a CSM. A checkout which should have taken approx. 15 minutes for 23 items-- took over an hour because- a csm was called- and then another-- only 3 lines of check out were open so people behind me were upset with me . 

    I am waiting for a call back from corporate and the Sandusky Manager.  

    My question to the corporate division of price matching policies is: Can individual stores make their own rules regarding price matching and choose which stores they will/wont price match?

    I would like to hear from other people regarding their walmart price matching experiences.

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