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Posts posted by nnmfam

  1. Just reading this makes me mad . I have a sister in law who called last year anda sked my husband if she could come get her kids gifts and if I was cooking. I had a cancerous tumor removed 3 days before so no I was not cooking. I had also been very ill since the begining of Nevember had lost 22lbs from vomiting and weighed 84 lbs. Of course she had nothing for anyone else and eric had told her to take a hike she never offered us any help during that time. She also hs money is just a greedy witch

    This year she is asking already not bad enouh we had the other issue eric passed away unexpectadly she is such a witch she calls me asking me for things and money when she knows I am not able to work and on SSD . yes eric left me enough it is the freakin point.

  2. My husband died from huge medical errors at age 40 on memorial day. We have 3 kids ages 17 year old senior just got his accetpance letter to West Point a 15 year old sophmore boy and a 8 yeaod girl. Christmas was alwyas a huge deal in my house and htsi year I am honestly not feeling like doing any of it . Normally i cook 3 meals and bake for weeks before buy more then any person needs. It is just so hard to even face any holiday what would u do?

    I cannot go away on a trip as both my boys are the schools swim team and that week is always states

  3. Gift cards are even great for little ones my kids loved them around febaury when the were bored with what they got for christmas we could go shopping for free. Great for the parents as well.




    I spent about 80-90 on shipping last year so I definatley know where you are coming from!


    I think giftcards are a great idea. Alot of people really like them so I would just get it to their favorite stores. I think the gc should just be in the amount that you would normally spend on them..no more or less.


    What I do with my sister is I buy for my kids what she wants me to buy them and then she sends me a check for what I spent so she doesnt have to pay shipping. I di the same with her. However, the shopping I do on bf is worth to ship because I save so much , even when u factor in shiping it is a better deal!

  4. My son 16 has saved and saved and wants to buy a ipod touch. Apparently his Sony mp3 player that I paid Way to much for is not cool anymore. I was wondering if anyone knows of anyplace to get a good deal on one. I cannot complain about this kid he is 3rd in his class of 765 and has a conditional nomination to west point military academy and works 2 full days a week at a retirement home doing activities. He also plays soccer, swims, and lacrosse. Also is a youth group leader at church.
  5. OK I have some friends that work at walmart . I called them after a bad experience. I bought my daughter some sneakers just for playground at school last week . They were a only 10.00. They fell apart in one day . My fault for going cheap but they were only meant for the last 2 weeks of school. I took them back and they were nasty becasue I forgot the receipt. I finally called the 1-800 number from my cell and they called the manager and told him he had to return them and give me a walmart record. I just laughed walmart record WTH who cares.

    MY friends tell me they hired a bunch of really young manager s to take over stores as so many returns were not even from walmart. They tell me the one I went to has a nasty nasty 21 year old in charge. In fact they have had 7 people go to corporate about him.

    My feeling is no more walmart for my house . I was treated as if I was stealing and I do not put up with bad customer service. when cares if I go to target and spend 10.00 more at least I am not supporting that nonsense

  6. The big problem is sears contracts out the warranty work. My brother has 5 trucks that deliver there appliances and the people that are supposed to bring them to the warehouse for his guys to deliver shows up only 70% of the time. It drives him nuts as well as the customers. I would call and politely ask for the district manager so when the repair contract is up for this person it is not renewed.
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