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  1. Went to Target yesterday and got Ratatouille for xbox 360 for $12.xx . They have lots of games for several systems marked way down.
  2. TRU sent me a coupon for $10 off $100 purchase so I wonder if I can use it as well as the $5 mcdonald's tru bucks. That would be a pretty good deal combined with the gift card and free game.
  3. I have a new Kodak Easy Share and it works with it. I threw the package away before I posted so I'm not sure what all it works with. I think it was a good deal when I looked at other cards that worked with my camera...they were expensive.
  4. I went to Target yesterday and got a 512mb card (for digital camera,pda, etc.) for $11.xx. It was regularly priced at $89.99. I was looking for a card for my camera for several months, so needless to say I was soooo happy.
  5. Yes...and...No. My mom and I used this coupon at the Lexington Kentucky store. The cashier was very young and to be honest was "unsure" but she let us use both the CC 15%off as well as the printed coupon. A few days later we went to the store in Richmond Kentucky and the "mature" cashier absolutely refused. So I would say try it.. You might be able to use both
  6. **BUMP** I've used this survey/coupon SEVERAL times and with the holidays coming up I just did yet ANOTHER survey and the coupon expires 11/05/06 so I'm hoping by the end of the month I can do another survey to get the expiration date past Black Friday. I love Gottadeal.
  7. I just wanted to let you know that if you tell the layaway department that the layaway is NOT for Christmas then you can keep it in there longer and can pick it up later. I've done this for the last 5 years at my Walmart. I also use to work there and was told by the layaway cashier about it so I tried it that year and have been doing it every year since. Just thought I would pass that along.
  8. Thank you so much for everyones help. This is exactly what she's wanting. Finally I will be able to get her something that she's wanting. She's the type to buy whatever she wants when she wants it.
  9. We buy one around 6 ft with the root ball so we can plant it in our yard for around $45- $65 depending on the tree. :)
  10. I'm in a pickle. My mom is wanting a "woodsy tree". I've never heard of it or seen it but she said they can be decorated with different themes all year long or just have some clear white lights on it for a home decoration. Mom said that they sell for around $60. My problem is I have searched and searched for a darn "woodsy tree" and can't find it anywhere. I have no idea what it looks like or how big it is. Can someone please help me ?
  11. DH did the fitting room one (#15 I think) and my 4 year old DD was in cahoots with her dad and asked the fitting room attendant where the "potty paper was" because her daddy needed it. I was in shock. It would've been extremely funny if someone elses DH did this. After I cooled off and trust me I was hot...it was pretty funny. I did let DH know that if he EVER did that to me again he would be dead meat. I would think of something extremely horrible to do to him and I have a feeling it would involve female products. I would make sure the cashier would need a price check on the "tampons in isle 12". Just so the ladies know..if your DH visits a fishing or hunting board then he's already heard this and trust me they have discussed how funny it would be to try some of these. DH's boss has already planned a shopping trip for his wife. If I had her number I would call to find out where and when they will be going oh I mean to warn her
  12. Kentucky is 6%
  13. Just so you know..there is a real LIVE green puppy in California. Its a golden retriever. I read it online somewhere. It was on a California news station.
  14. Tonights selections are : Hotel Rowanda Hitch Batman Begins I couldn't wait til DH got home this weekend to watch Hotel Rowanda. Which I'm glad I didn't wait. It was so sad at what happened to all of those people. It was a good movie. I think I will sneak and watch Hitch now.. I need something to cheer me up and Will Smith is a nut..he's so funny
  15. Just had to let everyone know that I just got my movies today. Woohooo. Come on over to my place and watch a movie Yipeeee
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