I have the Fitbit Flex and its on sale BF at a lot of place, Sam's, Target, Walmart, etc for about $75 which is $25 off the normal $99 price. Fitbit just came out with three new ones though, the Charge, the Charge HD and the Surge. The Charge is $129 and the Surge, if out yet will be $250. The main difference from the Flex to Charge is that you can see the time, steps and such on the face of the band. I wear my Flex on my ankle because it gets a more accurate step count since I don't swing my arms a lot when I am working out or walking/running. With that said I wouldn't upgrade to the Charge. The Surge I might since it has GPS in it and some other features. I will say that fitbit customer service is awesome too! When my Flex died they had me try a couple things and when that didn't work they sent me out a new unit at no charge which was nice since mine was a gift and I didn't have a receipt.