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Posts posted by Piggyjinger

  1. I am interested in getting a tablet but really need it to be inexpensive. I coupon alot and am looking to get one that will run the Ibotta app. Right now I am looking at the 39.99 tablet at kmart (thanksgiving 6 am sale) or the 49.99 tablet at walmart (8 pm sale) Any thoughts or advice as I have never bought one before.


    Guess I should add that the most I can spend this year is $60.00 on one. Also what about the Polaroid tablet from toy r us?


    I'm also looking to get a very cheap tablet this year for my roommate. I've managed to find a little bit of information regarding the RCA tablets (like the 49.99 one at Walmart). From what I gather, they really aren't as bad as you might think. Sure, they aren't the greatest tablets, but I'm aware of that going into it, and I think most people are. I fully expect these things to poop out after a while. At this point, I'm just looking for a cheap placeholder until my roommate can afford something better. (I've gone into Black Friday with this attitude before, buying a $200 laptop from walmart, and was never disappointed...even when it stopped working 2 years later.)


    I've seen multiple people online refer to the RCA tablets as the best of the low cost tablets. The one available for 49.99 is a dual core, so it tends to run faster and multitask better than single core devices (like the RCA tablet available for 49.99 on walmart.com right now). I've also seen it mentioned that the tablet has NO trouble running Netflix and other videos, so I imagine it can run most apps, though I certainly can't guarantee that it can run the Ibotta app. Personally, the main reason I'm in love with the walmart RCA tablet is that it will be guaranteed in stock between 8 and 9.


    Hope that was helpful!

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