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  1. Has this sold yet? I'm looking for router around that price range. Also no one has any Bluetooth beanie hats in there ads unless I missed it and typed something in search wrong.
  2. I fly solo in my nice comfy home why people wait either days or hours in lines! I also learned some very good info to use for future bf events by the fourms on another site this year! Apparently Discover will PM Black Friday. So I will be looking at signing up for a Discover card before next year comes and just buy the items I want and have them PM later.
  3. LOL which one did u get? I got the 199 one! Also why are you going to your club? They are shipping to my house for free.
  4. Would someone one please tell me why the admin is being inconsiderate and deleting my post on the iphones?????
  5. Hey does anyone know where I can get a Iphone 6 plus 128 at a good bf price? I know apple posted there ad but I dont know if that's a good price for the 6 plus or if its there normal price? Also I know sams is having a bf sale but I dont believe I can get the phone online and also they dont have the plus. I am with Sprint and due for upgrade and Sprint has not posted a ad which I cant believe as late as it is.
  6. Yea Most! LOL
  7. YEA I got it finally that 55 inch Samsung
  8. Is yours a doorbuster item too?
  9. What are you talking about everything isnt up for sale? The tv Im waiting for is still not.
  10. Why is some stuff up and some not?
  11. hope this is resolved within next few minutes I want to go to bed
  12. Google Chrome here
  13. What browser are u guys using?
  14. anyone else having problems?
  15. This is bull crap! there site is messed up the item was avl to add to cart now its not!
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