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  1. TripleT

    $179 Laptop

    Sorry about all of the typos...Swype on my tablet sucks. Should proofread before hitting send...please forgive.
  2. TripleT

    $179 Laptop

    Wondering if any others that scored the $179 laptop would like to share their opinion of it? So far, I'm not overly impressed...and yes, I know it's a $179 laptop; I wasn't expecting a powerhouse. I knew Windows 8 came installed and I'm really not as upset about it as I thought I might be. It is a bit inconvenient on a non-touchscreen laptop, but not entirely impossible to navigate. My laptop is quite a bit slower than I hoped. I know the AMD C-60 is obviously low-end, but it is worse than I expected. Having snagges an eMachined $199 laptop a few BF's ago, I suppose I was hoping for more from this years model. The previous one had its quirks, but it was speedy enough for me. I am finding this $179 Compaq has trouble loading webpages amd video. Wondering if this is solely a processor thing, an internet thing (my home internet can be sketchy, but streams from my roku just fine) or if Windows 8 is just too much for this lappy to handle. Any thoughts? Has anyone else tried theirs out?
  3. Video of the line or of the happy dance? There are 19 laptops at my WM. We are allowed one 10 minute potty break...seriously. lol
  4. #3 in line for the $179 laptoo. Doin' a happy dance
  5. Just got BF ads in the newspaper! Always love holding the actual ad in my little paw!
  6. Tempted just to buy the stinkin' $299 Toshiba laptop instead of sitting in line for the $178 Compaq tomorrow. Decisions, decisions...
  7. Additional items are up...but nothing I was looking for.
  8. Amen to that!
  9. Oh, for the love of butter...come on Walmart!!
  10. Lenovo $187 laptop says "In Store Only"
  11. I'm in the same boat. Just don't feel that Windows 8 on a non-touchscreen device is a good deal? Anyone else had any experience using Windows 8 on a standars laptop? I'm thinking we may have better luck findijg a nin-BF Windows 7 laptop at a decent price. I'm even considering a refurb. Any thoughts on this?
  12. Achieving personal victory by nabbing my "goal items"/ finishing up Christmas shopping.
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