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Posts posted by mmouse1

  1. I don't know if this has already been discussed - this year at the Walmart I went to they had a line for all the movies and let people I 10 at a time to go get what you wanted.  Did anyone else have that?

  2. For anyone interested in the Ipod touch check out this deal.

    So its listed for $195.00 with a $40.00 GC with purchase. Target.com also has a coupon for 10% off any Ipod purchase that wont expire until 11/26/11.

    So realistically this deal could be as good as $135.50 plus tax.



    I love this price, but it does not seem to me that the extended warranty at Target is as good as the one at Best Buy. Does anyone know about the comparisons on the warranty’s? I know it is cheaper at Target but not if they won’t replace it if something happens to it. He is almost 14 but tends to drop everything….


    Thanks for any input!

  3. On today's Bloomberg's Business Report they stated Walmart will have a price matching policy that if you buy an item from them between November 1 and Christmas (I believe) and the price is lower anywhere else after your purchase, bring in the ad and they will refund you the difference in price on a Wal-mart gift card.
  4. for those with pokemon, lps or bella sara lovers, those little fun pack boxes that were in Christmas are often found in the regular card area. I found about 2 dozen of the pokemon sets today for $.49. Bella Sara is also $.49 and the LPS ones are $.29.


    Thanks about the tip on the Pokemon cards! :) My son is addicted and he had bought some of those cards when they were 50 and 75% off so I knew he would like them, we found 11 boxes in the regular card area for 49 cents. I can put some with his birthday, valentines and even Easter gifts!

  5. I ended up at a Target accross town this year than where I normally go and they did things differently. I was all over the store looking for things. One thing at my Target was some flannel sheets that were 50% off that were not marked, everything else was pretty normal stuff.


    I am normally all about people getting good deals, but this one lady drove me crazy she had THREE cart fulls of Bounty, now really is that not overdoing it a bit? Not to mention the 20 or more rolls of Folio and mega amounts of anything she got to first. I know it is first come first serve just bugged me. :(

  6. They stink?!? EWW! What do they smell like? I have 2 kiddos with allergies and asthma, so I have to be careful about things like this... We bought my son a mattress a year and a half ago and he ended up in the Pediatric ICU for 3 days after sleeping on it for 1 night... :( Maybe I'll just donate it...

    I received mine, and did not notice a smell. Hopefully yours is the same.

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