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Posts posted by Navywife

  1. I live in a very tiny town so craigslist doesn't provide many options and all we have is a walmart everything else is an hour drive so I think ill scope out cyber Monday sales then and wait until January. Thanks for the advice
  2. Our baby isn't due until April so I have time but I just thought if the deals were that good I would buy then this is our third, but I recently got rid of all our baby things oops! We don't have any decent consignment shops near us. I tried to find the ads from last year but didn't have any luck I will attempt again. Thanks for the advice everyone :)
  3. Last year when WM opened early all the door busters were gone before the sale started because they let everyone in even thought you couldn't buy any thing and people were opening the pods in the store. It was chaotic and a lot if people were mad that they came in 2-3 hours early for door busters but they were already gone. I hate the early start time I got everything I wanted last year but, I was so exhausted and felt sick but I had to come home to take care of the kids. 2 days with no sleep. Plus I felt rushed on thanksgiving to cook eat and clean and go through ads before I could leave for my hour drive to the stores. I have my fingers crossed for the normal 3ish am opening times.

    I totally could go for one of these too :D


    My three year old daughter really, really wants Thomas underwear, my husband said absolutely not since they only make boy Thomas underwear and told her that it was different than hers, so she couldn't get Thomas underwear, but let's face it, mama is going to get her Thomas underwear even if there are extra little flaps in it..

    My son did that he wanted Dora underware when he was potty training so I bought them even though they were pink but it worked and now he's forgotten about them. Lol

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