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About kellis4321

  • Birthday January 15

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  1. Checking in for February! Hope everyone is doing great!
  2. I'm here for December!!
  3. Not much for me in this ad. Like everyone else, just Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling......
  4. Yes, definitely headed here for gift cards!!
  5. I'm in! I missed the last couple of years so hopefully I can make it through the whole year!! Setting reminders now!
  6. I like the Camera outfit for 12.49. It comes in a hatbox!!
  7. Oh, I would love a new ipad!!
  8. Checking in for December!! Almost done with shopping!
  9. My aunt did this for my daughter when she got married! We got all of my moms handwritten ones and handwritten ones from family and made her a huge family recipe binder! She uses it weekly!!
  10. No not the senior one! We are not quite there yet! My dad has the senior one but he has to be with us to use his! We are going to Acadia next year in Maine and it’s 35 to get in! We will hit a few more and it pays for itself!
  11. I have the actual Sam's ad and the Southwest card will be 399.99 for an e-card!! It also says excluded from Plus early access. Limit 5.
  12. I have this recipe box and I LOVE IT!!! This would be great for someone who cooks all the time or needs to get organized with all their recipes. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08B4C4478/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. I got these for some of my closest friends. They are very cute!! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CCNBY7P7?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
  14. The ads and prices this year just seem so BLAH!!!
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