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  1. I did this last year for our game. I ended up with a bunch of gifts that wouldn't fit in the ball. I used a number system. The number on the index card in the saran wrap ball corresponded with a wrapped gift. We have all adults these days, so for the most part, all of the wrapped gifts went over well. My Uncle got a large snow globe that he didn't want, but my Aunt was happy with it.
  2. I want a new Ipad, external hard drive for Macbook and a new luggage set. I traveled A LOT this summer and it became apparent that I need new luggage. Also need new sheets for the MBR and guest room beds.
  3. Ordered 3 items online for in-store pickup. Ended up with 2/3, not bad.
  4. I'm soooo ready!! I need to start making a list of the items I'll be purchasing for me. My family does a white elephant so I never have lots of gifts to purchase. Guess I'll start a list for those too.
  5. Finally!
  6. Yayyyy! I didn’t miss it!
  7. Agree with everyone about Home Depot! Come on already....also where are the craft stores!!
  8. Throws taken care of...now let me go back and take a good look at the ad.
  9. I buy at least 4 of the Kohl's Big One plush throws for $8.99 every year and I have yet to keep one for myself. They always come in handy for that last minute gift. I guess it will be 5 this year and I'll get to keep one.
  10. Can you get the bag online as well or just in store?
  11. Put the tree up and decorated it Sunday afternoon. I had big plans to get everything done, all rooms and decor up. I looked around at all of the totes, bins and bags - poured a drink and called it a night. Got home last night and couldn't take the mess. Put most of it up and organized what was left. Will finish this weekend.
  12. My throws came yesterday! This is my first year buying those - going to order a few for my house. Waiting on my other order but I received the shipping information already.
  13. Didn't need any big ticket items so I woke up at my regular 6 am and got everything I needed. 8.99 throws, 9.99 pjs to go with them, a few casual accessories for the cousins. I may go back online now that I'm at the office and see what I can find for me. Used NOVSAV15 for 15% off, free shipping, and half of my list done. #winning
  14. Meh...Bearpaw boots for the win otherwise not much.
  15. Finally!! Let me take a closer look.
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