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  1. Yay I love drawings! (Even though I never win.) Can't win if you don't enter!
  2. #1-"C'mon everyone! Ring Around The Rosy - err Target that is." #2 yeah! First in the door! Get some! #3 Here, on days of our lives, we see this couple who, unfortunately, was too late picking up the only 3 tablets Walmart had they wanted. Maybe next year.
  3. Photo 1: Oohh I need that. I wonder if I can climb the 15ft up & still hold these so that lady doesn't get them & fill the other 2 in of her buggy up! Photo 2: Kumbaya my Lord..kumbaya....Awww come on target guys..we're just trying to camp out. Photo 3: I wonder if I stand here playing long enough I can get $5 in change to get another doorbuster movie. Maybe two. Hmmm. Lalalala
  4. Keep the ecig when it goes dead. If you decide to buy more - if you mail in 5 dead ones they'll send you one free. Like a buy-back program. Have been cig free since New yrs eve thanks to this ecig
  5. Spending time with my best friend. We always go together.
  6. I got an email from JCP at it says free haircuts all August for kids going into grades K-6th. I called my local store & asked them & they said it was nationwide. Made my dd her appt.
  7. Told me "code is not live yet"
  8. The feeling that the Christmas season has finally kicked off.
  9. #1 - "Aww why does it have to be raining?! It just makes me have to pee worse! I've standing here forever!" #2 - (secruity saying) "Are we good? Have you hid all our (the employees) stuff?" - So that's why Best Buy only has 2 of those!!! #3 - (man standing behind wife in line saying to himself ) " "Oh, come on! She's looking at the Gottadeal Black Friday phone app again!!!" (sarcastically ) "Where we going now, honey?!)
  10. F.y.I. - it will only let you redeem one giftcard
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