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Posts posted by alienkitty

  1. I saw this on another forum and thought I would share with you guys. Someone was apparently messing around on the jcp website for black friday and found these links.

    The deals don't look that great to me. Do you think these are real?


    Kids: http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/XGN.aspx?DeptID=70675&CatID=79899&shopperType=G (you'll notice the 3rd pj set says 7.99 but if you click to go view the actual item on the site it says 17.99)


    Home: http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/XGN.aspx?DeptID=70749&CatID=78687


    Kitchen: http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/xgn.aspx?deptid=70755&catid=78694

  2. The one time I tried buying something online on BF was from walmart and their online sale was supposed to go live at midnight and I was online from like 10:20 something pm waiting and refreshing on the item I wanted and it never changed. I can only guess that walmart went online at 10pm instead and it was gone already. I really don't understand how anyone can online shop on bf. Everything is gone within two minutes because people across the usa are trying to get the same items.
  3. I wear my fannie pack which is perfect to carry cell phone, money, credit card, id, tissues, chapstick. I wear long underwear under my pants, my convertable gloves which go from mittens to fingerless, and my warm winter coat. I don't use a cart and I am somewhat short and young so I can manuever easily. I plan ahead what I need from each store and I get in line (while mom waits in the car until the line starts moving cause she's not as serious about it as me). I get done fast and get a place in line and mom meets me there. Some stores I just get a place in line while mom shops if there's nothing I wanted there. One time we used a garbage can to carry stuff in. I try to fine alternate routes rather than walking down the main aisles as they are always crowded. Toys and electronics get crowded fast so if I need something over there I get there quick and get out quick while mom gets stuff on the other side of the store, like appliances, bed sets, etc.
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