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Everything posted by madshooter

  1. I went everyday this week waiting for the tiki fountain to drop to 75% off, They had 6 left in the store, so of course I checked wed. morning and it was still at 50% off, I even asked the store person and was told it was still at 50% off. Show up thurs morn. and all of them were gone. Boy, was I pissed, still ended up getting a floor lamp for $22 and two nice outside area rugs for 19.99, but I really wanted that tiki fountain.
  2. Got this set for 75% off, came out to $150 http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/ref=sc_pgp_r_6_0_11069091/601-0503738-5807349?%5Fencoding=UTF8&frombrowse=1&asin=B0009SRU2Y but it came with this fire bowl http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/ref=sc_pgb_r_12_0_13936381/601-0503738-5807349?%5Fencoding=UTF8&frombrowse=1&asin=B0009RPWC0 and also got this fire bowl for $44.98 http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/ref=br_1_5/601-0503738-5807349?%5Fencoding=UTF8&frombrowse=1&asin=B000A3SZ36
  3. patio stuff was mostly 75% off here, with some stuff still at 50% off. Made out like a bandit today, took 3 trips to get everything home. Thanks again everyone for the heads up.
  4. ty soo much, great deal
  5. thnaks for the heads up, just bought a bunch of the 3 wicked.
  6. did anyone get that code to work? it doesn't seem to do anything when you hit submit.
  7. thanks femalesliealot, just bought 5 more to sell.
  8. thanks , just bought 2
  9. thanks, had to call customer service to get the shipping removed, but all is well now. thanks again
  10. If you look to fly out of allentown you can get some good deals. You can also check to see if there are any flights to orlando/sanford airport. It is about 25 min. away from orlando airport but not as crazy. Most hotels will run shuttles to a lot of the parks and such. You could probably rent a car pretty cheap also. It's not that difficult to get around down here. I believe southwest will probably be the best bet for a cheap flight to orlando main airport. I usually fly them when I visit PA. They fly out of philly for a decent price, no stops.
  11. got it to work, thanks
  12. it doesn't seem to work????
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