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Everything posted by l8erg8ers

  1. I was at the Oak Lawn store and checked for you. They were still at 50%.
  2. I noticed that the kids winter coats were 75% off. Can't beat it for $4.98!
  3. I believe that full price was around $34.xx. If it was the last one, it could have been missed by the markdown team. In the past, if I know an item should be marked down, I try to find a markdown team member and ask if they could scan it to see if it had been missed. It's a 50/50 shot if they actually will do it or not.
  4. When I lived in the city, I would shop that Target all the time! Small world!
  5. mom2monkiesx3, I hope I didn't offend you. It made me laugh that my childrens shoe sizes are soo far from the norm.
  6. We grow them big at our house! She is 5' 8".
  7. Made me spit out my drink when I read this! My 11 year old wears a womens size 11 and my 5 year old wears a size 4!
  8. WOW! Is it yellow? I saw one on the endcap and didn't scan it.
  9. No Christmas section left, but some missed things are still ringing up 90% off.
  10. Augh! I can not find those anywhere and my son is a HUGE Thomas fan! I live close to the Oak Lawn store and shop there, Crestwood and Burbank. I noticed that there are alot of "Chicagoans" on here... Nice to meet you all!
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