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  1. So is the blu ray players going to be live online??
  2. Will the PS3 Games and Blu ray movies be online?
  3. Yeah, i was wondering also if they would have there games and blu rays online..
  4. How do you know that haha
  5. I have a Target Visa credit card i guess, so will that let me get %5 more off and how do i check to make sure it did that before i confirm
  6. If i have a target redcard, how much cheaper will it be? And how do i check that
  7. Thank you so much. I am hoping to get the Itouch 8gb with $30 gift card.
  8. What exactly does "coming soon" mean? Sold out...adjusting prices etc?
  9. Comes out to about $10.98 with shipping
  10. So, do these deals go live about 3am to 5am? Can i get the itouch with $50 gift card and some ps3 $10 games then?? really would love to get online instead of waiting in store.
  11. So, do these deals go live about 3am to 5am? Can i get the itouch with $50 gift card and some ps3 $10 games then?? really would love to get online instead of waiting in store.
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