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  1. This brought me out of retirement! I'm always reading, but haven't logged in for sometime.
  2. I got 2, but it was verrry difficult. They went like crazy!
  3. I was at TRU by 9:30 or so. I was about the 105 person, so I was dreading not getting a Zhu Zhu. However, not everyone got one so I was very pleased to end up getting a ticket. The line was several thousand people. It extended past a former Circuit City, Hobby Force, Old Navy, orthodontist, Once Upon a Child, Plato's Closet, Pet store, and several more stores. There were line jumpers galore. One called me a Jack Ass because I was rallying the people around me to turn our backs to them and form a chain so they couildn't enter! YAYYYYY! I was in and ouit in 4 minutes. I got Zhu accessories also and the Crayola tub. Store ended up being shut down and the police had to break up several skirmishes! Headed to Old Navy, where my kids were stationed as number 2 in line. We got Wii Lego and purchased $70 or so and out in 8 minutes because they opened about 5 minutes early. Then onto Walmart...ugh ropes and twists and turns. Ran around getting my price matching stuff. Got several PSP games to pricematch early. I weas inline by New Moon games and the LPS houses and it became a ZOOOOO! SEveral people were escorted OUT of the store for getting into the pallets early. They kept making announcements that said they would kick you out if caught. Then I headed to Target for my price adjustment, no line. Went to Dicks and TJ Maxx, then on to Pet Smart, where I was checking out my Target receipt and realized they forgot the video rocker. Headed back to Target and the Customer Service line was HUGE. They started checking people out there. I grabbed an associate to explain my dilemma and no such luck. So I had to wait and several people line jumped there in that little line. I got a little bitter and became mouthy. They didn't care though. Happy days! I got everything I needed today!
  4. 1 tent and about 7 chairs in Mansfield, Ohio. We went by and honked reallllly long at 6:15am this morning!
  5. crys

    Got A Paper Yet???

    I picked mine up at 2am while at Meijer waiting on the Tday sale!
  6. I went and got some of the movies, the rocker, the slippers, and the adult pj's. However, I could not find the kids pj's, they were not out. I swung by and asked the manager about adjusting and she said I was good to go!
  7. I want the Cricut also!
  8. I think you should do a theme like an ugly sweater Christmas party with Mistletoe-tini drinks or a Snuggie party! Everyone has to come dressed in a Snuggie!! This is my theme this year! I am soooo excited:D We have done gifts exchanges where all of the items were from the Goodwill, Dollar tree, or a regifted gift. Depending on the number of people, we usually do a sing for your supper thing where your group or table, etc. has to sing a song with a certain word before they can have a drink or hor dourves. A Candy buffet is always fun~ http://www.hostessblog.com/wp-content/uploads/uploaded_images/clau_candybuffet_4.jpg I made the M&M cake and it was soooo easy and a big hit. Forgot to add that this is my Go to for cool ideas http://www.hostesswiththemostess.com/themes/christmas.
  9. My card is ready But my bank account is not Time to make some money
  10. Ughhh, I always overspend on tchotkes. I did realize that I shouldn't buy it just because it is cheap though. I started buying useful items, like movie bucks, Coldstone giftcards, and starbucks giftcards.
  11. I collect Nutcrackers- though I don't really collectthemcollect. I make sure to buy a new one every year at Target after Christmas is over. So I have lottttsss of them. I also collect Nativity sets, stockings, and Christmas trees. I don't know why I collect stockings...they really aren't that fun , but I have a ton of them and always pick up a new one each year:rolleyes:.
  12. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
  13. Walmart runs bundle packs online that I have not seen topped. HSN has great deals on and off. Joann Fabrics when you can use the 40% off on regular price, the other retailers beat Joann by a mile though.
  14. ate my post:yuck:... I got 2 at TJ MAXX Both with zip out Spyder brand ski jacket reg. $129. for $29.99 size 10-12 Columbia parka reg $89 for $29.99 size 14-16
  15. - Waving the Buckeye flag right here too! Mansfield, OH for me.
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