I'm soo missing the days of old when we would stand in line to get that great freebie. I really really miss the great deals that CVS & Walgreens used to have. Not shopping this year the thrill is gone
This year I am searching for the best laptop deal and looking for some feedback on what others think is a good deal? I do not do any gaming and just use for creating documents & spreadsheets , searching the web. I am liking the Dell ones but wondering if there's a better deal somewhere that I am missing?
1/2 the time I will be in Mpls MN. Probably going to Walgreens, CVS & Kmart? Other 1/2 of the time I will be in Bullhead City AZ Walmart, Kohls, Penney's, Target
My home computer won't let me reply... Guess I should be looking for a new computer. I was disappointed by Menards ad this year... Not as good as in the past. I did go there yesterday & get my free after rebate gift bags though. Thanks to those who got the ad to Brad!!!
We get our local paper tonight that has sales ads in it. This is the one we usually get the BF Menards ad in. Is it possible I will get a hard copy of the ad before I see it on-line? Some how this does not seem possible..... What's up Menards? I am thinking they must have some really good deals to be able to keep it quiet so long????
The Menards ads the last few weeks have not been very good... I am thinking they are saving the really good stuff for Black Friday. Menards is my favorite store I shop there weekly.