Thank you very much for all the info everyone!
No tents or screened rooms or stoves or tables or bikes here. lol
BUT, I did score some camping odds and ends. the chairs in a bag, thermos', 3 different kinds of soft coolers, some bike helmets, bike pumps, some elbow (bike)pads, a spiderman scooter, fish filet knives, a bunch of other off the wall stuff for 75% off
fishing lures(hubby grabbed these not sure what % off)
Oh and if any of you golf, there was golfing stuff there!! 75% off!
But the cream of the crop, I found one, ONE motorized scooter!!! The one that retails at $240, for $59.99!!!!
I was so excited!
Also the $69.99 air hockey table, for $17.50
My sons birthday is coming up soon so he will be excited!!!
Thanks everyone!!