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About Jasmine35

  • Birthday 12/13/1974
  1. Does any one have a link for the interactive globes? I dont even know what they are.
  2. Has anyone seen the soap and toothpaste stuff hit 75% off yet? What about those big pop corn makers?
  3. Great deals!! Okay, I scored today! Got a girls mongoose free style bike today for 75% off!! $32.48. Yeah! Thanks to all who mentioned bike deals weeks ago so I knew to start looking!!
  4. Think thats how mine is too. lol
  5. Thanks for sharing and posting! I went last night but the only frozen deal I saw was for a free bag or something. lol Next time!
  6. How do you do the frozen deal? And whaT IS THE DEAL?? sorry caps!
  7. LOL The furreal friends big cats and dogs are in the clearance section. They went down to $35 or $40, last time I checked they now say $50. lol
  8. Thanks! Yeah i can't imagine what % off that is. LOL Not complaining just wondering. Cause 75% off would of been $9.99 and 90% off would of been $3.99. Strange they would mark it such a weird percentage off!
  9. You know what I got yesterday: French White Corningware 11pc Set http://www.target.com/French-White-Corningware-11pc-Set/dp/B001EB9CUI/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&searchView=grid5&keywords=corning%20ware&fromGsearch=true&sr=1-12&qid=1296918452&rh=&searchRank=target104545&id=French%20White%20Corningware%2011pc%20Set&node=1038576|1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=1&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin,price,target_com_primary_color-bin,target_com_size-bin,target_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0 It was $5.04!!
  10. Does anyone know? I have been watching and waiting. Thanks in advance!
  11. I scored a swiss gear black messenger bag for 75% off tonight. Retails at $49.99. Also some bras. Can't remember the brand. They were $3.74 each.
  12. Thank you very much for all the info everyone! No tents or screened rooms or stoves or tables or bikes here. lol BUT, I did score some camping odds and ends. the chairs in a bag, thermos', 3 different kinds of soft coolers, some bike helmets, bike pumps, some elbow (bike)pads, a spiderman scooter, fish filet knives, a bunch of other off the wall stuff for 75% off fishing lures(hubby grabbed these not sure what % off) Oh and if any of you golf, there was golfing stuff there!! 75% off! But the cream of the crop, I found one, ONE motorized scooter!!! The one that retails at $240, for $59.99!!!! I was so excited! Also the $69.99 air hockey table, for $17.50 My sons birthday is coming up soon so he will be excited!!! Thanks everyone!!
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